Zach Herron- I Still Do (1)

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The last day of grade six and I was faced with an impossible decision. "Come on Meg we don't have all day," my best friend at the time Erin says rolling her eyes I blush "what if he says no?" I ask nervously "then you get in my mom's van the same thing happens if he says yes," Erin says crossing her arms with a smirk on her face. I nod nervously and take a breath trying to steady the butterflies in my stomach "okay" I say finally "really?" Erin asks I nod again "I'm going to ask out Zach Herron," I tell her she smiles at me encouragingly "then you better hurry up," she says turning me around. I watch as Zach makes his way over to his mom's car panicking I do the only thing I can think of "Zach wait!" I yell racing after him.

He turns around as I rush into him "sorry" I say falling into his arms he laughs "it's okay Meg" he says flashing me his breathtaking smile I get lost in his eyes for a moment before he says "what did you want to tell me?" I shake my head confused. I think for a second before I realize what it is I needed to ask him "well I was sort of wondering I mean we don't have to but I really want to know if you would consider being my boyfriend?" I ask quickly he smiles at me and nods "I'd like that" he says before kissing my cheek "I'll text you" he says before rushing off to his mom's car. I wave at him as he disappears out of sight.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see Erin grinning at me I giggle and shake her hand off my shoulder "Tony didn't kiss me until we had been dating for a week" she tells me I blush "he didn't kiss me he kissed my cheek" I say blushing she bursts out laughing as we walk over to her mom's car "quit it Erin" I say angrily. I cross my arms to show her I meant what I said but I couldn't help it I lost it too. Together we both get into the car both in tears as we laugh at basically nothing. In that one moment, I was happier then I had been in months. My grades weren't the best and I had been bullied online by a couple of my classmates if it weren't for Erin they would probably still be bullying me. Now at that moment, I had my best friend with me and I had a boyfriend!

I had asked out the cutest guy in the whole school and he had said yes! Together we would be going into grade seven starting over at a new school. We would face the year together and maybe even last a while longer. The boy had I hoped to last forever with him cause back then I would have spent forever with him.

 The boy had I hoped to last forever with him cause back then I would have spent forever with him

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