Daniel Seavey- Mad At You (1)

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I clear my throat as I walk up to the table "hey guys" I shyly saying sitting down next to my best friend Max "hey Serena where you been girl?" he asks loudly I blush "sorry I was just asking my teacher a question about an assignment I'm working on" I explain as I pull my textbooks out of my bag "math?" he asks I nod pulling out my notebook and pencil bag. I start doing my work when Max goes stiff in his chair next to me I look up at him and follow his gaze as he glares. I notice that he's staring at Daniel Seavey. Of course, he was the hottest guy in our whole school he was really funny and nice to everyone well everyone but me. Being my best friend that made Daniel public enemy number one. I blush then go back to my work "Don't start this now" I whisper to Max not taking my eyes off my page he gets up from his chair and starts to walk away I gasp as I notice that Daniel had been staring at me without me knowing and now Max was going to confront him in public.

Quickly I get up from my chair and rush over to Max pulling him back to our table "please don't" I beg him as I pull him back into his chair Max rolls his eyes and grunts "I'm sorry about that Serena I just don't like the way he looks at you" max explains I nod my head and met Daniel's eyes. A chill runs down my spine as I look into his cold dead eyes. I frown and then turn back to my work trying my best to ignore him. After a while, I knew it was too much so I looked up and locked eyes with him. HE scowls at me making me flinch I sigh and wonder what I did to deserve such hostility. My eyes start to water as I work myself up until it was too much and I was crying. He didn't even flinch when he saw my chance in emotions and he didn't seem to care that he made me cry.

Of course, Max cared when he realized that I was crying and that Daniel was the cause of it. "I swear this boy needs to learn," Mex says getting up "Max please don't" I call after him as he makes his way over to Daniel "hey what's your problem huh? You wanna stop making my friend so uncomfortable?" Max asks his heatedly I rush over to his side hiding behind him "Max it's okay really I'm fine" I tell him as tears stream down my face "No you're not Serena you're obviously not okay and I want Daniel here to stop making you feel like this" he says turning his hostile gaze back at Daniel. When he doesn't reply Max storms off back to our table with me close behind him we pack up our bags quickly and then leave the library without exchanging a word.

 When he doesn't reply Max storms off back to our table with me close behind him we pack up our bags quickly and then leave the library without exchanging a word

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