Cold In LA (5)

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I had to sell my plane ticket because there was no way that I would miss the chance to see Jonah in concert. To my luck, their first stop on their tour was in LA and it was only a couple days away. I had bought myself a meet and greet ticket so I could talk to Jonah without him leaving at least I hoped he wouldn't. Finally the day came and I got to wait in line to see him. The butterflies in my stomach had gotten so bad that by the time it was my turn I thought I might throw up. I smile at him as soon as I walked into the meet and greet room. He smiled back but not the way he used to. I swear it was like looking at someone else in his body something was different about him and I couldn't quite place my finger on what it was.

I walked up to him anyways and gave him a hug "I've missed you" I whispered in his ear he doesn't say anything "Jonah I love you" I tell him he pulls away and smiles at me but I could tell he was faking it "Jonah what's wrong?" I ask he sighs "I don't think we're right for each other" he tells me I gasp in shock and try to hold by my tears. I realized what was different about him it was the love it was like all of a sudden he didn't love me anymore "you don't love me?" I asked my voice cracking when I said the word love. He sighs again "if that makes it easier for you to understand then yes I don't love you anymore," he says. I freeze for a second my whole body goes numb like I couldn't feel anything anymore but the cold. I shake my head trying my best to hold back tears "what changed?" I asked him he frowns "I did Penny it was nothing you did I promise" he says I sigh trying to hold back the tears that threaten to leave my eyes at any moment. I shake my head "I don't understand" I say quietly "I thought you would love me forever" I tell him he nods "I thought that too" he says I nod sadly "so that's it then? we're done?" I ask he nods his head looking away from me.

At that moment I lost it. My tears burst out of my eyes and I had to leave. I rushed out of there as fast as I could and unlike the night of the party, Jonah didn't follow me. When the air outside hit my face the tears in my eyes stung me even more. It felt cold. It was cold in LA. Or maybe it was just me no I wasn't the cold one it was Jonah. He was cold-hearted. At that moment I questioned if he ever loved me or if he was faking it but it didn't matter. We were done and I would never see him again.

 We were done and I would never see him again

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