What Am I (4)

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I had spent countless hours thinking about what Jack had told me in drama. After that class, I didn't see him until the end of the day he had walked me home we kissed goodbye and that was it. I didn't bring up the fact that he loved me because I wasn't sure I loved him. It was hard for me to imagine anyone loving me. My father had left my mother and me when I was young to start a business in Maine he had broken my mother's heart. After that, she never was the same and I couldn't blame her. Nowadays I barely ever see her. She's always working one job or another.

By now exams were over and it was the middle of summer. I still hadn't confronted Jack about my feelings for him because I didn't know what they were myself but I had finally decided that enough was enough and that when we went for ice cream today I would tell him. I find him sitting at our normal table with two ice creams one waiting just for me I smile at him "thanks" I say sliding into my seat. When I sit down he starts eating his ice cream I laugh at him as he gets it all over his face. Carefully I wipe the ice cream off his face he blushes as I do so "what's up?" I ask. I knew Jack and he never once blushed not even when he asked me out.

"I'm nervous," he tells me I smile at him and take his hand in mine "Jack there's no reason to be nervous," I tell him he frowns "what?" I ask him he looks away from me "I'm moving to LA" he tells me I gasp "why?" I ask he smiles nervously "I made it," he says quietly I burst with excitement "Jack that's awesome! I told you that you would! Oh my gosh! This is wonderful" I say happily he blinks at me "you're happy?" he asks "of course I am! You're following your dreams Jack" I tell him "does that mean you love me?" he asks catching me off guard. I frown "about that," I say nervously

"I've been meaning to tell you that I don't know how I feel. I just..." I trail off and take a deep breath "I don't see how someone can love me" I tell him honestly "is this about your dad?" he asks I nod "Tessa I'm not like him I wouldn't leave you" he says I smile at him knowingly "even though I'll be far away I won't forget about you. I'll text you all the time we can make this work" he tells me I nod thinking about it. "You're right we can make this work," I tell him he smiles at me brightly and I smile back "I love you," he tells me "I know" I reply putting ice cream on his noses all he does is roll his eyes.

 "You're right we can make this work," I tell him he smiles at me brightly and I smile back "I love you," he tells me "I know" I reply putting ice cream on his noses all he does is roll his eyes

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