Cold In LA (2)

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The semester was finally over and I had just finished my last exam. I high five my best friend Lily "goodbye grade eleven" she says "hello grade twelve" I say making us both laugh "you've gotta hang out all summer!" Lily says excitedly "too bad she'll be with me all summer!" Jonah says coming from behind as he puts his arm around my shoulders. I smirk at him but Lily scowls "be nice you too" I say trying to keep the peace "I will if he does" Lily says. Lily had grown to hate Jonah since the party she thought he was taking over my life or something that he wasn't good for me but I knew he was. Jonah didn't seem to care that Lily didn't like him which really hurt me I just wished my best friend and boyfriend could get along.

"I'll spend time with both of you this summer," I tell them smiling Jonah pecks my lips and walks away while I talk to Lily. I loved how well he knew me "seriously Penny when are you going to dump him?" Lily asks I stop daydreaming about Jonah and turn to her "I think I love him Lily" I tell her she gasps "I'm not sure yet" I admit blushing "I'll see you later" Lily says pushing past me I frown as I watch her walk. I look around for Jonah and spot him sitting down on a bench under a tree. As quickly as I can I walk over to him and sit down next to him "my place or yours?" he asks I shake my head "doesn't matter to me" I tell him smiling he smiles back "my car my house" he says I nod

We get up and I take hold of his hand we then walk to his car and he drives me to his house. Once inside we crash on his bed and he turns the tv on "which movie were we on?" he asks I frown "I think it was half-blood prince" I tell him he shrugs and puts it on anyways. When we get to the scene where Ginny and Harry kiss for the first time Jonah pulls me closer "you know this is one of my favorite parts in the entire series" he whispers in my ear "why's that?" I ask him "cause this is where they both knew they loved each other," he tells me causing me to blush "I knew I loved you the night I asked you out," he tells me I turn to him "are you saying..." I trail off he nods "I love you, Penny," he tells me I smile at him "I knew I could love you that night I'm crazy about you Jonah I love you too," I say before closing the gap between us. Neither of us watches the rest of the movie but it didn't matter cause we'd seen it about a million times anyways plus we needed this moment. Together.


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