I Still Do (3)

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I thought that Erin would have been my best friend forever but that just wasn't meant to be I learned that in the middle of seventh grade. The day started normally it wasn't until lunch that I realized something was off when Erin sat with Brittney at lunch in the cafe. "I'll be back," I tell Zach getting up from the table "hey what's up?" I ask her Erin when I get to the table "nothing I'm just sitting with my friends for lunch" she tells be plainly "but Erin I'm your friend" I tell her she turns to me "not anymore Meg" I frown "what changed?" I ask her "I opened my eyes and saw what a loser you were that's what changed," she tells me making the other girls laugh.

My cheeks turn red with embarrassment. I think quickly then blurt out "or are you just jealous that I have a boyfriend and that Tony dumped you to be with Jessica" I regret what I say as soon as it leaves my mouth. Erin's face drops and she stands up from the table "I told you I broke up with him because he wasn't good for me" she lies. I remembered the day they broke up when she told me that Tony had cheated on her with some girl from another school. Since then he started dating a grade eight named Jessica. I shake my head "you know what forget it enjoys your new friends" I say turning around but Erin wasn't done with me. She grabs my wrist tightly and I turn around remembering all the times her older brothers had wrestled each other. She must have picked up a couple of their moves over the summer.

"I think you need to be taught a lesson," she says getting nods of approval from the other girls at the table, "I think I know enough now to stay away from you," I say taking my hand out of her hold "not so fast," she says grabbing my arm she pulls it behind my back, "say mercy" she hisses in my ear "never" I grunt as pain shots up my body. I try to get away from her but she tightens her hold on me "get off of me you freak!" I yell suddenly the cafe goes quiet and everyone turns to look at us.

The staff quickly get everyone out of the cafe and send us both down to the office. This would be Erin's first time getting in trouble this year but it would be my third. I had gotten into a fight with Brittney only the day before the one with Erin. I had ended up pulling out some of Brittney's blonde hair and had gotten an in-school suspension for it but this time I was suspended from school for a week. During that week I had gotten bullied by Brittney and her new best friend Erin they would both text me constantly and no matter how hard I tried I could never seem to get far enough away from them.

 During that week I had gotten bullied by Brittney and her new best friend Erin they would both text me constantly and no matter how hard I tried I could never seem to get far enough away from them

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