Jonah Marais- Cold In LA (1)

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I turn to Lily as we stand frozen with shock "you want to date me?" I asked turning back to him Jonah nods "yes I want to date you Penny" he laughs nervously Lily punches my shoulder lightly "say yes" she whispers in my ear. I nod to him still confused as to why the hottest guy in my school wanted to date a nerd like me. I was at my first high school party in the middle of grade eleven and my first boyfriend had just asked me out! I felt on top of the world! Even though on the inside I was a complete mess.

After he asked me out I did the only thing I could think of. I put his number into my phone and changed his name on snapchat so that there was a small heart next to it. Of course, I had no idea what I was doing so when he pulled me onto the dance floor I didn't know what to do with myself. All the girls were looking at me funny as I danced with him. It started to bother me so I left. Without warning, I walked away as quickly as I could. I pushed past several drunk teenagers to get out into the fresh air. To my surprise, Jonah wasn't far behind me. "You can go back to the party I'm fine," I tell him but he shakes his head "no way I'm not going back in there without you," he tells me seriously I frown "Jonah I'm not going back," I tell him hanging my head.

He smiles at me gently as he puts his hand on my back I sigh and lean into him resting my head on his shoulder. "If you don't mind me asking why did you leave?" he asks me softly I frown again "all those girls were glaring at me it made me uncomfortable," I tell him he nods then kisses my forehead softly "don't feel like you have to go back in there then. I take it parties aren't your scene" he says joking lightly I nod smiling "no I'd much prefer staying at home to read" I tell him "really? What do you like to read?" he asks I smile "I love Harry Potter," I tell him he gasps "me too you have to come over sometime and watch them with me!" he says excitedly "well it just so happens that I'm free right now," I tell him jokingly not expecting him to go for it.

He helps me to my feet "where are we going?" I ask him he smiles "I'm taking you to my place to watch some Harry Potter," he says happily I smile back at him. He offers me his hand and I take it happily. We hold each other's hands all the way to his car. He opens the passenger door for me and I get into his car. It was at that moment I knew that I could fall in love with him and I had only just started to get to know him.

 It was at that moment I knew that I could fall in love with him and I had only just started to get to know him

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