What Am I (3)

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It was a week before exams and all my classes were even more boring than before all of them but drama. For our last project, we had to put on a presentation as if we were the last people on earth and I couldn't be more excited. My group wasn't the best but I was glad that I had Jack in my group. Of course, he wasn't the best actor but he was my boyfriend and I couldn't help but smile when I was around him so it was just a good time.

I frown as I walk off stage from the wings "oh Jack if only you were here to see our beautiful son" I say dramatically petting the boys hair who was pretending to be mine and Jack's son I let out a fake sob and cry into his arms "I know mom I miss dad too" he says "Tessa" Jack says stumbling onto the stage I rush over to him and put my arm around him holding him up "you're alive!" I yell happily he nods feebly "sit down," I say leading him over to a chair I carefully sit him down then pull my son over to him. "Isn't he beautiful? Jack this is your son" I say pulling him next to Jack he looks up and then chokes and falls onto the ground "Jack!" I yell before running over to him.

He doesn't move and our fake son yells scene. I help Jack up and we turn to him "do you want to run one of the other scenes or work on something?" I ask him as the group gathers up he shakes his head "let's take five and then run it through again" he says I nod as the group splits into small groups. I walk over to Jack as he frowns "sup?" I ask him he shakes his head "my acting is so bad I feel like a fool next to you" he says I laugh at him "Jack you're not a bad actor you just have to stop comparing yourself to someone who's been doing this longer. You're really good for only taking drama once" I tell him he smiles "really?" he asks I nod "truely you're awesome Jack and I'm not just saying that cause you're my boyfriend" I say jokingly punching his arm he smilings at me "I love you Tessa" he says catching me off guard. 

In the eight months we'd been dating we hadn't said the L word yet and nowhere were in the middle of drama and he had just said it. Jack Avery had told me that he loved me and all I could do was stand there staring at him with my mouth wide open. Before I can reply our group comes back and I have to get back into character. I push away my shock and do what I do best pretend like everything was normal and that I didn't want to scream at the top of my lungs.

 I push away my shock and do what I do best pretend like everything was normal and that I didn't want to scream at the top of my lungs

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