Don't Change (3)

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The next day when I arrive at school Corbyn is waiting for me in the smoke pit. I smirk to myself as I walk over to him "do you want a smoke or are you done being edgy for one day?" I ask jokingly "Leah I told you I don't smoke," he tells me firmly I roll my eyes "yeah I know Corbs it was a joke," I say putting a smoke in my mouth. I light the end of it and take in a big breath enjoying the buzz the smoke gave me. Corbyn makes a face when I exhale and I roll my eyes "what did you want me to do swallow the smoke?" I ask him he groans "I just wish you could take care of yourself better Leah," he tells me seriously making the guys laugh behind me. I grind my teeth together and snap my mouth shut but it was too late "don't tell me what to do Corbyn" I say loudly he huffs "oh come on Leah you know I love you" he says softly I shrug and turn my back on him.

He puts his hand on my shoulder and I easily shake it off "just leave Corbyn" I say quietly "if that's what you want" he whispers before leaving. I finish my smoke and take another one out of my pocket and light it. Corbyn had really put a dent in my mood and I made to bring that back if I was going to class. Then again I could always skip and go over to one of my friend's houses to have a smoke. I'm sure they wouldn't mind and what was missing in just one class. I could catch up another day this one wasn't gonna be easy some help would have been great.

Help is just what I got. At my friend's house, I spent the house day smoking darts and weed going bowl for bowl with my biggest stoner friend. She laughs at me as she reads the notifications on my phone I pull it out of her hands and read that I have several missed calls and lots of messages from Corbyn. I start laughing too as my phone dies in my hands together the two of us spend the rest of the night high out of our minds until we both passed out on her couch. I woke up the next day change into some of her clothes smoke a bowl and then go to class. Of course, it was my bitch of an English teacher who called my music bad. "Have you talked to Corbyn?" Kat whispers when I sit down next to her "no what's up?" I ask her she rolls her eyes "he was worried about you last night came over to my house to look for you" she explains I roll my eyes "what did he want?" I ask her "he wanted you to apologize," she says making me freeze. In the duration of our relationship, Corbyn had never once asked me for anything and now he was suddenly wanting me to apologize for nothing. I swear this boy is going to be the death of me.

 I swear this boy is going to be the death of me

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