I Still Do (2)

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The first day of grade seven come much to slow. I know most kids love summer but I had grown to hate it because it meant that my boyfriend Zach was at summer camp and my best friend Erin was visiting her family leaving me all by myself. Well not totally by myself, my parents had sent me to my grandparent's house for the summer while they handled 'things at home' whatever that meant. Of course, my little sister Dana and brothers Kevin and Stu came with me which left me babysitting the whole time.

Thankfully that was over and now I was home where I could hang out with my best friend and boyfriend basically whenever I wanted to! The first day of grade seven was exciting and nerve raking though since I was going to a new school I could no longer walk and had to take a bus. I was happy to see Zach's smiling face as I walked onto the bus and we spent the whole bus ride talking about our summers. Well, Zach told me all about his camp and I told him the short version of my summer which of course didn't take much time.

When we finally arrived at our new school Zach took his hand in mine "we've got this" he tells me as we get off the bus. Once off the bus, I grab hold of his arm as we walk into the very busy school. Everyone was moving around trying to find out which class they were in or where their lockers were. Zach and I both look around and try to find out where we should go when Erin runs into us with her boyfriend Tony at her side. She smiles at us "we're all in the same class!" she says excitedly I smile back at her as the bell rings "I'll tell you about my summer tonight when you come over" Erin says grabbing Tony's arm. They lead the way to our classroom where we sit in our assigned seats.

To my horror, I had to sit next to the only person I hated Brittney. She sat up straighter as I neared smiling a little bit brighter as I sat down next to her. She turns to me and says "this is going to be the best year ever isn't it fatty Meg" I gulp nervously remembering all the nasty comments she had left on my Instagram last year before I lost weight. She made my grade six-year hell I couldn't imagine how terrible this year would be when I show my boyfriend smiling at me. This small thing changed something in me and I turned to Britteny looked her dead in the eye and said

"you can't tell me shit like that and expect me to believe it bitch" the whole class seemed to hear me as they all started laughing until I heard his voice "Miss Smith go down to the office now!" I turn my head to see my teacher had heard what I said. Hanging my head I walk all the way down to the office where they call my parents and tell them what had happened. I swear something so bad had never felt so right.

 I swear something so bad had never felt so right

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