Don't Change (5)

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Of course, Corbyn was aware of my new changes as he was up to date on my Instagram posts always being my main tag and first commenter. That's why when I had the chance to see him in concert I jumped onto the chance of getting front row tickets and a backstage pass from myself. He was well informed of my purchase and was excited to see me. Even though we'd been doing well with the long-distance it was still terrible to be apart from him. I skip into the meet and greet room grinning as my eyes fall onto him. I rush into his arms knocking the wind of him "it's good to see you to Lee" he laughs patting my back I move around in his arms so that I can kiss him. He smiles into the kiss and pulls away "I missed you too" he says resting his forehead against mine "you have no idea how much I missed you Corbyn it's been absolutely awful without you" I tell him pouting he frowns. "What's up with you Leah? You're acting weird" he tells me I laugh "no I'm not silly" I laugh casually he shakes his head "Leah this isn't you," he says seriously

I sigh "I just figured if you were going to become the next big thing you needed a partner that looked the part and so I changed myself up a bit that's all," I tell him honestly he frowns again "but I miss the old Leah the one who doesn't give a crap about what other people think. The Leah that would have rolled her eyes when I tell her she's the most beautiful girl in the world. The one that loved herself for who she was" he says sadly "Corbyn that's not who I am anymore. I'm different. I changed for you because I knew it would make you happy" I explain he shakes his head "what would make me happy is if the old Leah would come back" he tells me I frown "Oh Corbyn I can't do that. This is who I am now" I tell him.

Corbyn sighs deeply and thinks "well I don't know what to do then," he says unwrapping his arms from around me I frown and take a step back and look him dead in the eye "Corbyn I'm still the same person you love I'm just more polished and put together I changed for you doesn't that count for anything?" I ask tears welling in the corners of my eyes "Oh come on Leah that's so unfair you know what I meant" he says quickly "Do I?" I ask him as tears fall from my eyes he sighs "I guess you don't understand" he says sadly I shake my head "no I don't think I do" I say hugging him one last time "I'm sorry Corbyn" I whisper before letting go of him "me too" he says letting me go. I frown as I walk out the door. At least I learned an important lesson. Don't change.

 Don't change

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