What Am I (2)

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The school day had only just started and already I was bored out of my mind. Some people found sciences fun but like all my other classes I found it terribly boarding. Aside from drama, I hated all my classes and I couldn't imagine grade twelve being any better than this. Of course, I was in my last semester of grade eleven and had put down all the easiest classes to take for next year. I knew that I wanted to do something with acting and if that didn't work out I could just work for my dad in Maine or something. I would figure it out when I had to I always did.

For now, I was stuck in science with an hour left of class and I knew it would only get worse from here. Deciding I had had enough I pull out my phone and text Jack from under the desk 'I'm bored' 'hey Jack' 'Jack' 'Babe' 'guess what' 'I'm bored' 'Jack text me back' 'I'm bored Jack' I smile when I feel my phone vibrate I look down but it wasn't a text from Jack. It was twitter telling me that someone I follow had just posted something I could only guess was hella cringy. Giving up I turn off my notifications and take a nap.

After science I find Jack in the halls "you free tonight?" he asks I shake my head "babysitting my siblings you can come over if you want to" he thinks for a second "yeah after I'm done my homework" he says walking to class I roll my eyes and run after him "can't you skip your homework for once?" I ask him shakes his head "I need good grades Tess" I frown at him "but you're going to make it big" I tell him he shakes his head sadly. I sigh "come on Jack you know just as well as I do that you're going to make it," I tell him he shrugs "maybe," he says stopping outside his class "have fun in class," I say sarcastically before kissing his cheek "you know I will," he says winking before walking into the room. I roll my eyes as I turn around and walk myself to my class.

When I get to class I put my stuff down and pull out my phone. English was one of my favorite classes only because I got to sit at the back of the room where the teacher never came. Meaning I could go on my phone all the class and not get caught. When I turn on my phone I see a message from Jack 'still bored?' I roll my eyes smiling down at my phone I replied 'of course it's the school it has to be boring' I put a winky face at the end of my text before going on color switch. I spend the rest of class trying to beat my high score just as the bell rings I reach my highest score and leave in a good mood.

 I spend the rest of class trying to beat my high score just as the bell rings I reach my highest score and leave in a good mood

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