Cold In LA (4)

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I knew it wasn't my best idea but I had done it anyway and there was no taking it back. I had bought myself a plane ticket to LA. Jonah had told me where he was living when he first got to LA but since then he hadn't really texted me much. Knowing him I knew something was up and that I needed to see him as soon as possible so I had bought myself a ticket to go see him. I would only be in LA for a couple of days but it didn't matter I needed to see him and I didn't care what it cost me.

When I landed I got into a taxi and took it all the way to his place. To my surprise, he had a sweet house. I got out of the car and knocked on his door. When it opened I couldn't help but gasp when I saw a boy around my age staring back at me who wasn't Jonah "are you Jonah's friend?" I ask him he noded "yeah I'm Corbyn his bandmate," he tells me I nod smiling as I shake his hand "yo Jonah someone's here for you!" Corbyn yells into the house "you can come in" Corbyn says holding the door open for me I smile at him as I walk into the house. I hear yelling coming from the living room in front of me and follow Corbyn into the room. Two boys were playing Mario Cart on the tv one was winning and the other losing by a lot.

Corbyn rolls his eyes "that's Jack" Corbyn says pointing at the boy who was winning he nods at me "and Zach" Corbyn says pointing at the boy who was losing. Zach obviously was lost in the game and was trying desperately to get past Jack. I giggle as I watch them "are they always like this?" I ask Corbyn he sighs "most of the time" he admits I laugh as Zach throws his controller down "come on man!" he yells "let's go!!" Jack yells celebrating his win "can you guys keep it down!" a voice calls from the room over "that's Daniel" Corbyn says to me "who's there?" Daniel asks walking out of the room "is this who's at the door for Jonah?" he asks I nod "yeah have you seen him?" I ask

Suddenly Jonah walks out of the room that Daniel was in. He stops dead in his tracks when he sees me. I smile and rush into his arms. It takes him a second before he puts his arms around me but when he did I felt like the world had stopped like it was just us in that one moment and then it was over. "What are you doing here?" he asks pulling away from me "I had to see you I thought something was wrong you weren't texting me," I tell him honestly he nods his head "I've been busy" he confesses "I'm sorry Penny but we're getting ready to go on tour I don't have time to talk," he says pushing past me. I stand frozen wondering what I had done wrong.

 I stand frozen wondering what I had done wrong

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