Mad At You (3)

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The next day I jump when Max taps on my shoulder "I'm so sorry Max I've just been really upset over this whole Daniel thing and yesterday in math that was so embarrassing" I say before covering my face in my hands "hey don't worry about it Serena I'm sure no one remembers that and today maybe Daniel will stop glaring at you" he says hopefully "do you think he will?" I ask he shrugs "only one way to know," he says offering me his arm I close my locker and link arms with him. As we walk down the halls I'm oddly aware that no one is looking at me which was surprising. Most days I felt the burning glare of Daniel on the back of my head but for some reason that wasn't there today. Maybe it was just Max getting to my head or something cause he was probably glaring at me and I just didn't know it. I hold my breath when we walk into class but notice that Daniel isn't in his seat. I don't release my breath until the teacher walks in and I know that Daniel won't be showing up to class.

I sigh in relief and Max winks at me. I blush as I turn back to the lesson oddly satisfied in the turn of events. It was nice to not feel a pair of eyes on you at all times, even more, when that pair of eyes is glaring a hole in the back of your head. Of course, I knew this relief would only be temporary as he would most likely be at school tomorrow. Unless I got lucky and he wasn't there the next day but that was getting ahead of myself. I should just enjoy what I have and in doing that paying attention to the class I love. By the end of math I had answered every question flawlessly and without challenge, though I have to admit that was new. I wasn't aware of a time he had ever spoken to me and of course, yesterday didn't count because he was talking to the teacher but it felt like it was directly for me because he was staring at me as he said it. Of course, I have no idea why he said it or even what made him as far as I knew yesterday was the same as every other day other than his comment.

Of course, I could always be making something out of nothing. I don't know Daniel at all so to assume he hates me is a bit of a long shot. Even though he glares at me like he does hate me so I guess I have some justice in my answer. When the bell rings I hesitantly get up from my seat and follow after everyone else "do you know where Daniel was today?" I hear a girl ask her friend "no but have you heard he joined this band called why don't we!" she says pulling out her phone "I didn't know he could sing" says the first girl "yeah he's not coming back as far as I know" the second girl says. I smile when I hear this hoping that he wasn't coming back and that I could finish high school in peace.

 I smile when I hear this hoping that he wasn't coming back and that I could finish high school in peace

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