Don't Change (2)

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I take a deep breath in feeling the smoke hit the back of my throat. I don't cough like this other girl does because at this point I was used to the taste of nicotine. I roll my eyes as one of the girls pretends to take a big breath in obviously trying to impress one of the boys I grunt "no one's impressed that you're smoking" I tell her she blushes as the boys laugh. When I turn my back on her to enjoy my smoke alone I meet the eyes of my innocent boyfriend who was too scared to hang out with me in the smoke pit. I wave at him sarcastically and he waves back making me roll my eyes again. Don't get me wrong Corbyn's a great guy I'm just not the best person for him. Of course, I'd never break up with him because even I know that I shouldn't get rid of someone as good as him.

I take a deep breath then put out my smoke and rush over to him. I pull him into a tight hug when I get over to him "I love you" I whisper in his ear he smiles at me brightly "I love you too" he says leaning down to kiss me. I swear every time he even touched me my whole body would start to full up with happiness. This is really weird because I'm not used to being happy and no one else in my life has the ability to make me happy as Corbyn did. That's what made me love him so much was that he always made me happy no matter what mood I was in I could always count on him to make me feel again. The bell rings before I got my fair share of his attention and he breaks away "gotta go" he says quickly kissing me on the cheek "hey do me a favor and go to class" he yells over his shoulder I roll my eyes "not likely" I mutter under my breath.

Corbyn was lucky that my best friend Kat was in my first-period class or else I wouldn't have gone. Kat and I enter class thirty minutes late which is pretty good for us. We take our seats at the ever back of the class and I start playing my chemical romance at top volume. Kat and I rock out to the song singing to it word for words "Miss Martin" my teacher says to me "MISS MARTIN THIS IS THE LAST TIME YOU COME INTO MY CLASS PLAYING THAT GOD AWFUL MUSIC" she yells at me. I grind my teeth together and pause my music then I slowly stand up from my chair glaring at my teacher. "You fucking whore how dare you question my music taste! You're such a god damn bitch I swear your dumb ass wouldn't be able to handle the depth to my chemical romance because of how tight your pants are up your ass" I angrily say before leaving the class with Kat hot on my heels. The whole class bursts out laughing as I turn my back to her and storm out.

 The whole class bursts out laughing as I turn my back to her and storm out

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