Don't Change (4)

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Corbyn had finally done it. He made it big by joining why don't we leaving me behind. Of course, I was more than happy to let him go not because he was achieving his dreams but he was helping me with mine. By being someone famous's girlfriend I had to be on my best behavior at all times and that meant no more smoking. Plus I had to dye my hair to a brunette color so that I would look okay when we would need to make public appearances. Of course, my grades would have to pick up and I couldn't hang out with my old friends. I had done a full one-eighty going from burn out stoner girl to perfect girlfriend. Of course, the change was necessary if I was going to become famous as well but Corbyn could really help me.

We called every night for hours which wasn't usual for us. I would text him as much as I could besides when I was in class which I started attending for the full days. I was the picture-perfect student and an even better girlfriend I was doing everything I could to make myself more positive in the public eye. I was posting on Instagram more now since my following had spiked Corbyn was becoming more popular by the day and with his Instagram followers rising as well I was happily pleased. Soon I would be famous just because my boyfriend was famous and then I could take that and run with it. That's how easy it was.

I flip my hair as I walk down the halls my heels clicking on the freshly cleaned floors. Boy's eyes followed me as I walked past with the girls talking among themselves saying things that would make any girl want to cry but I ignored them all. I didn't need anyone in the school all I needed was Corbyn and that would be enough. Plus the fame that came with him, of course, that was a big plus. I smile at my English teacher was I walk into class taking my new seat at the front of the class. It hadn't taken long for Kat to replace me with a wannabe loser. Of course, I didn't much care, after all, I was the most popular girl at my school now so I didn't need her of any of my other "friends" I giggle at the word as the teacher hands out our test marks. For the first time in years, I didn't miserably fail on a test instead of a scored closer to perfect. Along with my newfound fame, I found out I'm not as dumb as I thought I was and that with a little bit of effort I could do well in my classes. The results were instant as my grades started climbing so did my follower count and soon my life was perfect. I was perfect and nothing could change that.

 I was perfect and nothing could change that

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