Mad At You (2)

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As I put my books into my locker I feel a light tap on my shoulder I jump at the contact and turn around to see Max standing behind me. I let out a sigh of relief "you frightened me" I tell him clenching my chest he smiles "sorry I didn't mean to" he confesses I smile at him and nod turning back to my locker "are you ready for class?" he asks anxiously I giggle "relax Max the last period just ended" I say closing my locker after I grabbed my things for the next class. As I walk down the halls with Max at my side I feel a pair of eyes burning into the back of my head when I turn around i notice that Daniel is glaring at me again. Max turns me around when he notices when captured my attention "don't pay any attention to him Serena" he tells me steering me into class.

Max quickly takes his place at the front of the class I giggle to myself as I sit down in the desk next to him. I watch as my classmates start going into the class and right as the bell rings Daniel walks in. His cold gaze sends goosebumps down my arms as he glares at me taking his spot at the back of the class the perfect place for him to continue to glare at me hostilely. Of course, by now I should have been used to his behavior but for some reason, I couldn't get past it. I knew that I didn't deserve his hostility because I had never done anything that should have upset him. As far as I knew I'd never spoken one word to him in my entire life then again I might have asked him for a pencil or something. No, I'm sure I would have remembered overcoming the anxiety he causes me to talk to him. So what less could have upset him? It just didn't make sense for him to act that way because I know he doesn't do it to anyone but me.

I shake off my negative thoughts as our teacher walks in and starts our lesson. It was a fairly simple topic and I was understanding it well then again what wasn't easy for me in math. I was the only person raising their hand to answer questions and of course, like usual I was getting them right. Then we moved on to something a little less simple than required perfect decimals which of course wasn't a problem for me. I finish the question on the board in record time "yes Miss Foster" the teacher says when I raise my hand "the answer is 52.34" I tell him happily he nods and continues "actually the answer is 52.333" someone corrects. Everyone turns in their chairs to see Daniel glaring at me "of course you would have known that if you hadn't rounded up when it should have just been .33" he says simply with acid in his tone. My face turns red as the class burst out laughing at my mistake.

 My face turns red as the class burst out laughing at my mistake

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