Mad At You (4)

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When Max taps me on the shoulder I didn't jump or show any signs of fear as I turned around. He smiles at me "you're looking better" he tells me "have I looked off?" I ask him worriedly he shakes his head "no you just seem less tense then again your stalker doesn't appear to be going to school anymore" he says clearly talking about Daniel's absence "yeah I'm not sure how I feel about that" I confess he gasps "oh come on Serena he's been causing you anxiety all semester for literally nothing and now that he's finally gone you're not happy about it" he says angrily I frown "I'm sorry" I whisper he sighs and stops walking to turn to face me. Max puts his hands on my shoulders and looks me dead in the eye "okay Serena if you're not happy that he's gone how do you feel?" he asks making me think for a second "well I'm glad that I don't have his hostile stare on me anymore but I sort of miss it in a weird way. Like we hadn't finished something even though it didn't seem like we started anything" I shrugging sounding dumb. Max laughs and continues walking "I swear Serna you are one of the weirdest people I know," he says as we enter class.

I sigh in relief when the final bell rings and the teacher walks into the class. It had been two weeks since Daniel joined Why Don't We and he still hadn't returned to school which made me think that that girl was right. Daniel wasn't coming back to school because he was going after his dreams. This suited me just fine but I still felt his absence like a weight on my shoulders. As if I was carrying around a bag of rocks he'd left behind for me. I'm not sure if that meant I missed him or not though because I didn't think it did. The bag was too heavy to just miss him this was something more than just that something much deeper. I wasn't quite sure what it was but it was there and it was very real. Whatever it was it was hard to put into words and made doing things even those that I loved that much harder.

Even sitting in my favorite class I was distracted by his absence. I didn't understand why because I had never seemed to notice he wasn't there before but now it was all I could think about. He just didn't make sense. Nothing made sense. Why did I feel this way? he didn't mean anything to me while he was here why does he feel like something now? I swear being a teenager is so confusing and boys didn't help with that problem. In fact, Daniel was making things ten times more confusing. He filled my head with so many questions and I didn't like it. I didn't like that a stranger had such a big role in my thoughts and I wanted to know why.

 I didn't like that a stranger had such a big role in my thoughts and I wanted to know why

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