4 • why don't you take Connor out?

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Our ride home was exhausting. We ended up buying beer and also ended up screaming our lungs out, singing along to some music from random artists we all liked.

Tris and James were totally wasted, they were the loudest and I couldn't handle them, it was fun though. Luckily Brad was driving, he didn't drink, like the good guy he is. Erin and I were as wasted as Tris and James.

Connor on the other hand was also drunk but not quite, he was silent the whole ride, maybe has a few laughs but that's it.

Suddenly it has come to my attention that Connor was not feeling it, so I turned to him hence him sitting beside me. "Connor whats wrong man?" I said in the most disgusting way ever, I felt like I wanted to burp a million times. "Nothing, I'm fun Lynn." He giggles and takes a sip of his beer, "Well if you say so." I said, I was too drunk to handle this shit.

Once we've reached home, we all got out of the car one by one and when it was my turn to stand, I felt extremely dizzy and I felt like vomiting at the very spot I was standing on; the car seat.

Luckily Brad guided me and his tight grip made me stand properly, "Thanks." I giggled and walked in a wobbly line towards the main entrance of the house.

The smell of Erin's cologne and Brad's hair mixed up filled the house and I suddenly felt relaxed, in which I decided to sit down and stop drinking.

"James you son of a bitch give me my phone!" Tristan shouts while trying to grab his phone from James who was reaching his hands up for Tris not to reach it.

"James give the poor boys phone back." Brad chuckled and earned a snicker from Erin, "Won't you come here?" Erin taps the seat beside her and as Brad comes close she immediately grabs him on his shirt and kissed him passionately.

"Ew guys get a fucking room!" I yell and everyone went 'ooh'. They didn't stop until the door rang and Con ran over to the door and opened it.

"Hey is Lynn ov- there you are." I heard a familiar voice say my name and I immediately shot my eyes up and looked at the door. "Jeremy? What are doing here?" I stood up.

Jeremy, my brother, older brother. He lives a couple of hours away from me and I'm confused as to why he is here and how he knows where I am.

"Jerry!" Con widens his arms and gives Jeremy a side hug, they like to call him Jerry, which is quite cute not gonna lie.

"Mom and I are going to head to some event going on at London, mom insisted me to come." He shrugs, "And mom didn't invite me?" I scoff sarcastically, acting all offended and shit. "Yeah cause you're boring." He teased, this is war.

"Oh you." I attack him with my spaghetti arms which didn't make anything happen to him like at all, he then pushes me softly and runs away. "Oh you bitch!" I yell at him while he's laughing his ass off.

I sat back down beside Tris and took my phone out, began scrolling through the internet.

"Anyways I've got to go now, bye boring child."

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and smirk, what a loser. I continue to scroll through my phone, not minding the chaos happening between Connor and James, who was fighting over some drink.

"Boys please you've just had food earlier."

Gosh I sound like a mom.

"But Lynn, he stole my damn drink." Tris whined and stomped his foot, "I think that's enough drinks boys." Yeah I'm definitely turning into a mum. Tris throws himself beside me and took his phone out. I saw he was texting someone and I decide not to read the conversation further more.

"Hey Con come here." I glance up and saw Connor jogging towards me, "Yes dear?" He sits on Tris and he didn't flinch a bit, he continued to text. "At some point, could you like help me find some cute decoration for my disgustingly blank flat?" I titter, leaning on Connor's shoulder, I was feeling very light headed and the taste of beer still stuck in my mouth. "Sure sweet, plus I've got something to find as well." He shrugs, looking over at Tristan who was almost asleep, well that was fast.

I reach at the bottle of beer on the table and before I could get it, Brad has already beat me to it. "No more drinks Lynn, you've had so much now." He places the bottle on the table beside him to keep it out of my reach. "Brad please?"

"No Lynn."

"Yes Lynn."



"Enough with the drinks."

"okay dad." I scoff and pout, furrowing my brows and acting like a stubborn child, I've drank too much I couldn't act maturely.

Well that's the cause of liquor anyways.

"Hey guys?" Erin's voice pops from behind, I turn my head to her direction and gave her a confused look. "White or gray?" She asks, "Maroon!" Was my answer, see? I'm a fucking mess.

"That's good too but white or gray?"


"White!" Tristan yells, causing all of us to cover our ears, "My god Tris!" James chuckles and tackles Tristan then they started to burst out laughing.

"I really like Maroon baby." I hear Brad whisper to Erin, well it wasn't a proper whisper cause I heard it. "Maroon and gray? Or white?" She whispers back, "White baby!" I yell, which caused everyone in the room to laugh.

"Then maroon and white it is then." Brad winks at Erin and I sarcastically gag at their actions, "Gross." I giggle. "You know what you need love?" Brad says to me, I wasn't paying full attention to him, my attention was to Connor who was flirting with me.

"You need someone."

"Someone?" I turn my head to him, ignoring Connor's pathetic pick up lines which were, not gonna lie, very entertaining. "Like a date or something, why don't you take Connor out?" He points at Con who was smiling at me, "Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" I raise a brow at Brad while he face palmed himself.

After a while of drunk chatter, and a lot of singing while we're at it. I was about to fall asleep and I really wanted to be in a comfortable spot, I decided to head upstairs and not hearing the calls from Con properly any longer.

Once I've reached the first room I saw I threw myself to bed and began closing my eyes.

"So you still looking forward on that date?"

I hear Connor's voice and I didn't hesitate to nod, "yeah." I giggle and felt the bed sink, figured that Con was beside me, I had no energy to face him nor change my position. "Do you mind if I-"

"No go ahed."

"Alright." He snickers.


Disclaimer, I wrote these chapters a long time ago when I was still writing What Your Father Says so yeah.

Some might go as you assumed, some might not. I ended writing at chapter 5 lol. I just publish them on different days. X

Idk but, who do you ship? 😂

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