10 • I said I love you Lynn.

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"What is it?" Tristan sipped his drink, "A text." I said flatly, my mood suddenly changed when I saw the message. "Okay." He looked back at his meal, taking the last bites.

"What do you want?" I mumbled, clicking aggressively onto my phone, I notice Tris glancing up at me and he key eyeing my every second. "You don't look okay." He chuckled, I scoffed. "Thanks."

"No I mean, you look bothered. What's wrong?" He said in a concerned tone, I hesitantly showed him the screen of my phone, revealing a message from Bradley.

Lynn! What I said to you a while ago may have offended you, if it did I'm so sorry x.


"Well that wasn't a convincing reply." Tristan tittered, leaning back. "I know, I just don't want to deal with him at the moment. Plus I have to find a job so we better go before it gets late." I smiled briefly and stood up from my seat. Tristan following suit.

"What are you planning on getting?" He asks, on the way to my car. There was no more cars left on the parking, which is kinda relieving because I always have this fear of too much cars.

"Well it isn't really like a job, more of like a hobby that I take seriously? Basically I would like to compose." I said, while starting the car. "Buckle up." I gestured at the seat belts, Tris never left his glance at me. "That's great! Maybe I could help you? Because recently I also had this weird interest in that." He pulled his seat belt, buckled himself and leaned on the seat. "Sure, that'd be great, oh and also." I said nonchalantly, "Oh wait never mind I forgot." I face palmed myself causing Tris to chuckle weirdly at me.

"Don't judge." I pout and started to drive.


After almost 40 minutes we've reached Tristan's flat, I pulled over at the driveway of the building, not gonna lie it was quite fancy.

"Alright, toodles boy." I waved at him and grinned. "Bye sweet." He waved back and turned around. I proceeded to drive off when he entered the lobby. The drive was heck of a drive, if that made sense.

I basically screamed while listening to One Direction giving me the nostalgia and shit. I've always been a fan of them, I really like their music. Which made me inspired to make music, but the problem is that I don't know how. I have low memory and I suck with words.

Once I've reached my pathetic flat, what I immediately did was plop down my bed and hope to sleep easily because it's almost midnight and I've got shit to do.

And with that I drifted off to sleep.





"UGH ! Shut up!"

I throw my phone to the 'wall.' Opening my eye to realize it wasn't actually a wall.

"I'm sorry."  I whispered, I tried to be as quiet as possible, I was in a room. With a bunch of people, it was blurry, but I kept on going with the flow.

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