18 • Hey...

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Without a doubt, I started to open the letter.

It had a lot of words in it.

"Vintage shop, Wednesday, 9 pm. Be quick."

Note the sarcasm.

Today is Sunday, do I really have to wait three days for this? The thing is though, I don't know who this is. It could be anyone to be honest, but for some reason this is not making me nervous at all, not as nervous as a while ago when I saw Tristan in front of my damn door.

"Vintage shop." I whisper to myself as I started making some lunch, I didn't grab some on the way home I was too caught up with my decor.

Once I was finished making my lunch I opened the letter again, it was handwritten so I might get a clue on who gave it.

The sad part for me is that, I don't recognize it.

As usual, I decided to call Connor and tell him all about the things that have happened today, it's like I'm his child coming home from school, telling him stories of what happened at school. Once again, I don't have my phone and I couldn't call anybody, and it was not fully charged when I last saw it so it might be dead by now.

"Con! I've got something to tell you and it's, weird." I huff.

"Hi to you too, what is it?" He chuckles and I purse my lips. "So someone sent me this letter, I don't know who it's from but here." I show him the letter, placed it in font of the camera so it could focus. "Wait. did it say, 'Vintage shop, Wednesday, be quirk?" I paused for a second, realizing what he just said and burst into laughter. "It's quick." I breathed for air and finally managed to calm down.

"Oh." He giggles and so did I, "So what do you think?" I ask him, placing the letter back down. "I think, you have a stalker." he smirks, I deadpanned. "Hah, funny." I said, teasing him. If that were true though, that would be a weird situation to be in, having a stalker is not fun and fucking hell I hope that he isn't right.

"Okay but seriously though, I think, someone is just messing without, but wait, it kinda seemed serious too, whatever, I think you should go and figure it out." Con said, waving his hand around, expressing his emotions. I stare blankly at the plants behind him, lost in thoughts. I don't know, I was scared but also tempted to check it out, it's just the" Vintage Shop", I've been there before and it doesn't seem bad.

"Okay but here's the thing-" I was interrupted by someone knocking at the door, which made me more nervous. "Um, I'll talk to you later, bye Con." I smiled briefly and ended the Skype call.

I slowly made my way to the door, looking though the peek hole and hope to God it's someone I know.

It was someone I know.

"What the?" I whisper.

I opened the door to see my brother and mum standing at the door, smiling widely. "Lynn!" My mum exclaims, I furrow my brows in confusion but then game then both a wide smile.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here?" I look over to their luggage, wait, are they staying over?

"Well, you didn't pick up your phone, we called like a billion times and you never answered." Jeremy said, um about that...

"Yeah, I lost my phone. No, I left it at Erin's and it magically disappeared." I rolled my eyes, scoffing. "Well that's pretty unfortunate." My mum said in an upset tone, it truly is, fuck.

"Well, make yourselves at home. You still remember where you stay right?" I mock Jeremy, as if he hadn't stayed here. "Yeah yeah." He drags his luggage and walks inside his room with mum.

On the other hand I went inside mine and decided to blast some music. Opened my laptop and scrolled through Twitter because it's the only thing that I have the energy to do right now.


I ended up staring at the window and not thinking about anything at all, but I was caught off guard. "Lynn! Open up!" I heard my brother scream, knocking at the door endlessly. "What?!" I yell back,  getting up and opening the door.

"what?" I said blankly as I stood in front of him, "Someone is at the door, might be one of your friends." And with that my stomach dropped, it could by anyone, I wasn't expecting anybody.

"Ah, thanks." I said as I walked passed him,  rushing towards the door, I didn't even bother to peek, I just went for it.

My eyes went wide as I saw who was standing there, Brad.

"Hey..." he said, it felt weird, hearing him.

So yeah, I was right he had my phone, maybe he was the one who gave the letter? Should I ask him?

"Hi." I gave him a brief smile, this is too awkward can I go now?

"Sorry to disturb but, I have your phone and, I-I charged it, mind you there were a lot of people calling, sorry I didn't give it back to soon because, I h-had to do something and I just didn't ha-have the time." He was stuttering a lot, which makes me want to laugh to be honest, it was fun.

"Thanks." Is all I could say, I couldn't manage to talk more. This is extremely weird for me, he was talking a lot, more than I should've been talking.

"Okay." He replied, handing me my phone and as I took it he shoved his hands on his pocket, and did a little tip toe.

"Thanks again." I mutter.

There was literally nothing more to say so I just decided to end this and closed the door.

"Lynn." I heard him say, I suddenly stop my actions and my heart beats faster.

"Yeah?" I said, opening the door again. I was trying to act cool but that failed because I feel my hands getting sweaty and something stuck at my throat.

"Can we talk?"


[sorry if this chapter was a bit delayed, I got some things to do and it took be forever to make them. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I have made myself a Twitter account so if you want to go check that out it's /hsvol6_/. thanks for reading!]

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