5 • Go on, change

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Waking up to the most painful headache is the worst thing that could ever start anyone's day, fuck!

I figured I drank too much liquor last night that I couldn't even stand anymore, the only thing I remember is that Connor being beside me for god knows how long.

"I left some water and paracetamol, here." I hear what sounds like Connor's husky voice, figured he also had just woken up. "Thanks." I shut my eyes tight while slowly trying to sit up, Con helps in making me sit then hands me the glass of water.

"Thanks again Con." I sighed, taking the medicine. "No problem, I can help you anytime you decide to drink too much liquor." He tittered, I let out a small laugh and drank my water till there was no more, which made my head ache more.

"Ugh fuck."

"Alright you're sleeping again." Con slightly taps my head and helps me get back to bed, gosh I feel like a patient with broken bones.

"Wake me up when it's 10." I grunt, covering my eyes with the duvet which was ridiculously soft may I add. "Lynn, it's 2pm hun." He chuckles, I shot my eyes open and pushed the cover away from my eyes. "I need to go back home, I've got something to do." I said quickly and started to get out of bed but Con wouldn't let me.

"Con let me go I have some important thing to do."

"And what is that?"

"Erm...clean my house? Plus I need to water the plants or else it's gonna die and my flat would look more blank and boring." I chuckle, causing my head to ache again, oh my goodness make it stop.

"That can wait, if you want I could clean your flat."

"That's very kind of you but no thanks Con." I lie back down and let out a long sigh, here's one thing when I drink too much. I can't think properly due to bad headache and tiredness.

I shouldn't be drinking, that much.

"Rest well." Seconds later I hear the door shut softly and I didn't reply to Con, like I said I was too tired to do shit so simple. Then minutes later I drifted off to sleep, the bed was very comfy I could sleep in it for hours.


"Wait what? Where'd you sleep then?"

"The guest room, when I came in Lynn was occupying the bed and I didn't wanna wake her."

Are the words I heard when I woke up, Brad and Tris were talking and I immediately glanced up to realize I was in Brad and Erin's room.

Oh dear I really messed up on this one.

"Oh wait is she awake? Lynn?" Tris called, I slowly turned to them, seeing Tris shirtless and Brad in a tank top, honestly, what a sight.

"Hey." I said softly, and awkwardly. I didn't know what to say, I feel a bit okay now but this conversation caught me off guard. "You okay now? Does your head still hurt?" Tris asked.

"I appreciate your concern but please don't treat me like a child, I'm grown now." I joked, which they laughed at, even though it was not that funny. Brad walks closer to me and sits beside me, I just looked at him with apologetic eyes.

"Hey look I'm sorry for sleeping here, I was too drunk to think properly." I chuckle, "No it's fine, Erin fell asleep on the couch and wouldn't want to transfer."

"How about you though?"

"Don't worry about me."

"Alright, thanks." I smile at him, then turned to Tris, seeing him on his phone and smiling. "Tris what time is it?" I raised a brow at him, "four." I mentally face palmed myself and stood up, "Where are you going?" Brad asks, I didn't turn to him, I then instead answer him blankly. "I'm gonna get ready, I have something to do."

Loud thuds were heard from behind me and cold hands were placed on my shoulder which made me flinch a bit, "Oh my- Jesus Brad." I turn to him, "What?" I smirk, he's mouth was slightly open and brows knitted together. "Leaving so soon?"

"Yup, thanks for the fun last night." I smile at him,

"Okay that sounded wrong Lynn." Tris yells and Brad snorts, "Shut up." I giggle, rolling my eyes. "Anyways I've got to fix myself and I'll be heading home." I say to Brad while he let's go of me, "Want a ride home?" He points behind him and I shake my head, "No Brad, thanks for the offer though." I pat his head and walked away.

"Bummer." I can hear him pout and I just chuckle at his actions.

I head straight to the bathroom and saw Erin standing there staring at herself on the mirror, "Hey." I said softly, not wanting to startle her. "Oh hey Lynn, you going to use the toilet?" She points at the toilet and I shook my head, "No no I'm just- Erin? You alright?" I say, walking closer to her and only just noticing the pregnancy test placed on the sink.

"Erin what is this?" I said in shock, not sure of my emotions. "It says it's positive Lynn." She said nervously, suddenly my frown turns into a huge smile and so did hers. "Oh my fucking- This is great! Erin! Holy crap!" I squeal and gave her a genuine hug which she returned back.

"I'm so happy Lynn! But there is one thing though."


"I have to confirm it, I'll be going to the doctor tomorrow, I was thinking you could come?"

"Wait, so this has been around for how long now?"

"A month"

"Wow, I barely noticed."

"That's why I wanted to confirm it tomorrow. You up?"



Hearing the news was great, but still needed to be confirmed though. I was more nervous for that, I was also excited to tell Brad about the news.

After washing my face and brushing my teeth I briefly brushed my hair and quickly took whatever clothes I have left in this house, considering I'm always here and left some clothes behind.

"Jeez, calm down Lynn." Tris chuckles beside me, he's been here beside me chuckling because he thinks I'm being over-dramatic.

"Well, can't do babe. I have to go." I smile at him, "I'm going to change." I say to him, he stared at me for a couple of seconds then smirks. "Change then." He smirks, I gave him a deadpanned glare and he just continues laughing. "Go on change in front of me."

"Stop it Tris." I chuckle, embarrassed. "Alright alright."

I watch him shut the door and I sigh in relief.

Gosh these guys.


I know, this is insane. Who'd ever thought she'd get a positive result in her test?

Tune in to see if it's true or not ;)

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