16 • My Phone

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[I was listening to Long Way Down by One Direction while writing this so if you want to listen to it while reading you could, watch out for some reference ;)]


[Lynn's POV]

I was having so much fun with Erin, that I forgot all about Brad, so I decided to stay a bit longer.

Even if I've only been here for a couple of hours, I still felt amazing, this was a great idea.

We were sitting on her bed, talking about stuff while she tries to give me some wine, she told me she had a cold so she couldn't drink it.

"No, Erin. Let's get some orange juice instead." I insist. "Wow this may be the first time you denied drinking wine, surprising." she had wide eyes, I laugh at her reaction and began to stand up. "I'm getting the juice, stay here."

"Of course I'll stay here, where do you think I'll go? Jump of the window?" She jokes, or I hope she was. "Hah, funny."

I made my way downstairs, it was, extremely calming, this house. It's always so tidy.

It also smelled wonderful, this house smells like fucking bread.

Making my way to the kitchen I instantly found a glass and the rack where they put those shit. I take one and began to make the juice.

Once I've done them, I walk out of the kitchen, realizing I've made a big mistake.

There he was, standing, he came back from the thing he was going to do I assume. I stood there, frozen. I was too scared to do anything. His reaction was the same as mine, he was scared too, but I didn't care, not right now.

"I was about to leave." I said quietly, slowly placing the glasses down the table. "Lynn-" he began to speak but before that, I had already left.

The first thing that came up to my mind was to text Erin, to say something had come up, it's the only excuse I had. I bring out my phone and, well, fuck.

I left it in there, in their bed.

I didn't know what to do, I started to panic, how will I get my phone? I just had an awkward encounter with him and now I'm going back to get my phone? Imagine how that would go.

You know what? Fuck it, this isn't a good idea but I had to leave it.

I got inside my car and drove home, the nervousness inside me just getting worse and worse.

Everything is so fucking wrong timing, why does everything have to be that way? It's too late to turn around. I can't forgive myself cause I don't know how. I wish I never did that, I couldn't control my feelings. I shouldn't have kissed him, I'm so fucking stupid.

Tears started to flow, I couldn't contain them. I had to cry it's the only way of getting over this, through the pain.

It's fucking hard to admit but I guess I've made it clear, I love him.

I've tried my best to keep calm and keep my cool, for the sake of his happiness and my friends. I want them to be happy, at this point I couldn't see. I had to stop driving, even though I was almost home, I couldn't handle it, I might fucking crash.

I stopped near a small park, I used to play at when I was younger, I was still at my home town, I never wanted to move away from here, I got used to it so much.

I got out of my car and sat down on the first bench I see, I sighed deeply.

Not only I lost my phone, but I was fucking screwed.

A simple kiss could ruin everything, for me. But for him, no. He could easily forget it and forgive me but that wasn't it. I kept all the pain inside me for months and only now am I only letting them out, it was horrible. Keeping it all inside of me wasn't the best.

So I sat there, looking at the fucking trees swaying. How entertaining.

It was almost lunch time, I can't believe it's only lunch. Can this day go any slower?

His voice kept repeating my mind, I hate it, I hate this, it was my fault.


Once I got home, I didn't have much energy left, considering I haven't eaten and I was so bummed to. The first thing I did was open my laptop and tried to call Erin on Skype, hoping that Brad wouldn't see.

She didn't answer the call.

I then swiftly clicked on Con's contact and dialed him, he's the only one I could talk to at this moment.

"Lynn!" He says, his camera shaking. "Con! Y'alright?" I smile, I wish everything was alright. "Yeah yeah, been great, you?"


"Why'd you call then?" He said in a joyful manner, he's so fucking happy it was great. "Could you please text Erin, um, I kinda left my phone on her house." I shrug and chuckled softly, he furrowed his brows and grinned, "Why didn't you call her here in Skype then?"

"She wouldn't answer Con." I sighed, "okay I'll text her in a minute." He begins to look for his phone while he was still holding his laptop, I thought he'd end the call.

"Maybe I'll call her instead?" He suggested, I nod in agreement and he started to dial her number, he puts the call on speaker.

"Hello?" Con began to talk.

"Connor, hey. What's up buddy?" Erin says, as usual, in a very happy mood. "Um, Lynn wanted to ask if you've seen a phone there? Her phone, she left it there."

I look at Con who was for some reason, worried. I clench my brows at him and mouthed 'what?' At him.

He doesn't reply, he just continues to wait for Erin's reply, she was taking too long. "Erin?"

"Oop- sorry, I was cleaning something, no I haven't seen her phone." She replied, out of breath.

"Okay, thanks mate." Con says and ends the call.

Where the fuck is my phone?


[guys! Where the fuck is her phone? Lmao. Hope you liked this, sorry for slight delay I had writers block. Vote, comment what you think of this chapter, and share this story if you wish! Thanks for reading <33]

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