22 • I just wish that me and Brad still-

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This was the problem when I go out with Tris very late or early in the morning.

I also get home late, which leads to, sometimes not great situations, sometimes great.

"Tris." I said, shaking his arm, what the fuck? "Tris wake up!" I said in a hushed tone, he started groaning and finally opened his eyes. "What?" he sits up, brushing the sand off his head and arms. "Tris..." my worried frown started to become a grin, we deadass just did this.

"Did we just?" He looks around, with the same expression I had. "Yeah." I chuckle and he started laughing uncontrollably, I tried to shush him because it was really early in the morning and there was some kids running around.

"We gotta go." I said in between laughs, he nods and helps me stand. "how did we not get caught?" he laughs even more and wraps his arms around this torso. "I know right?" We head back to his car and I immediately panicked when I realized that I should be home hours ago and Brad was there.

"Shit, Tris take me home." I grabbed my phone and saw five text messages from Jeremy and a call from, Brad. "What?" I muttered and tapped on Jeremy's messages to reply, saying that I'll be home in a minute.

"We really did that." He giggles, while he started the car and began to drive off.


The ride home was, silent. We really had nothing else to say and we just woke up from the fucking beach.

"Thanks for the ride T." I slam the door shut, walking away I hear him drive off. Walking back, I noticed that Kenneth was looking at me, oddly. I just shook it off and made my way back to my flat.

I knock on the door as hard as I could, seconds later it opened, revealing Brad without a top and had a sandwich on his mouth. "Um, hey." I said awkwardly and entered the room. Not that I haven't seen Brad shirtless, it was just odd, looking at him now like that. I tried not to smile so much.

"Where have you been? I literally went in your room to ask for toilet paper and you weren't there." Brad says mouth-full, surprised I ever understood that. "You didn't ask Jeremy?" I raised my brow at him and he shook his head. "He was being, I don't know, harsh to me?" I deadpanned, "Harsh?" Slowly, I placed my phone on the couch and took my sweater off, leaving the same clothes. "You haven't changed at all." He said, he continues to look at my clothes. "And you- is that sand?" he points at the side of my hips, and walks closer to me.

"Where have you been?" he says, in a more concerned tone.

"Something was going on, um, I had to rush to it." I lied, but acted like I was telling the truth. Brad wasn't buying it. "I don't think so, why do you have sand all over you?" He spins me around and I yelp, "Hey stop!" turning around to see his distance from me, his body was very close to mine. I was trying to hard to keep control over myself and so I closed my eyes. "Look, it was part of the thing that was happening, unfortunately I can't tell you about it, please respect that." I sighed backing away from him, I opened my eyes.

"Right sorry." He subtly shakes his head and also backed away. "Anyways, do you want to eat? What do you want?" He asks me, I grinned as he walked away to the kitchen area and placed two plates down as well as glasses.

"You know I should be asking that since you're our guest, oh by the way where is everybody?" I ask him, walking closer to him. This was very kind of him but very, unexpected, I seriously thought he was only going to leave after sleeping over, not making me breakfast.

"Both of them left to buy some snacks." I furrow my brows. "But I just bought snacks."

"I don't know." He shrugs and continues to rummage around the fridge, I think I know what he's going to make me. "You know, you should be home at this point. Erin might be so worried." I sat down, on the island. It is true, she might be worried sick about Brad. "She won't, I bet she's still asleep." he giggles and I smiled. "so, bacon and m and c?" M and c is our word for mac and cheese, I know pretty weird. "Obviously." I joked, making him chuckle and turn back to what he was doing.

I remember those times when, he'd do this for me and I'd just mock him the whole time. I miss those but, sadly that won't happen anymore, he is happy with someone else and I have to accept that, move on from the past which seems unforgettable at this point. Everything seems to be coming back to me, the feelings and the memories which I chose to forget but failed at doing so.

What do I want? I want everything to go back to what it was, me and Brad, Tris being innocent, me and my friends together, that's all I want, but if it wasn't for Brad we wouldn't have met Erin, one of the sweetest girls I've ever met.

I lay down on the island top, sighing.

I just wish that Brad and I were still-

"You okay?" he asks me, looking at me straight in the eye. "Yeah, just. Tried I guess." Once again, I had to lie, as much as I didn't want to, I had to. "Why don't you go take a nap on the couch while I make this masterpiece?" Brad points at the couch, I nod and made my way there.

Plopping myself down, my eyes started to close, I was slowly drifting off.

but before I fell asleep, I head soft muttering and thuds. I didn't bother to look, I was too tired.

"I'm at a friends house finishing a project baby."


[helo! new update! hope you like this one, I was really motivated and things are getting juicy. Tell me what you think of this and please vote or share this story if you wish! thanks for reading darling x.]

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