17 • letter

567 18 9

It's been two days, I started to think, and it wasn't great. Brad probably has my phone.

I didn't want to think it's true but, who else could've gotten it? A fucking ghost?

Walking back and fort from the kitchen to the lounge, I was so fucking nervous. Brad hasn't got it, he doesn't have it. What should I do? I can try to contact Erin and tell her to ask him but, like no. I'm a fucking coward.

Well there's literally nothing I could do at this point. I could just sit.

Usually people wouldn't give a fuck at this point and just go grab the phone from him but that's not me. I can't just make a mistake and go back then pretend it never happened it will most definitely haunt me for couple of days.

So instead I wanted to take Con's advice and actually do something to my flat, because I really need to decorate this blank shit. I've been talking to him for the past two days because I'm lonely.

Swiftly, I put on yet again, a sweatshirt and some jeans I found on the floor. Not trying to impress anyone anyways. I took my keys and headed out. It was great out, the sky so blue, and everything was peace and quiet.

It was Sunday, not much people in the furniture shop, it's not like it's ever packed. People rarely go there, but they do have some good stuff. I arrived at the shop at 11 am, so might as well grab some lunch on the way back.

As I made my way inside, I felt so uneasy, just because of the fact that I might see him somewhere and like I said, everything was happening at the wrong fucking time. I enter the shop and luckily, there were only two old people checking the place out which was great.

No Brad.

Then so I began to search for stuff I needed for my flat, a couple of plants maybe and some pictures, so it'll look more lively.

And most importantly, a bench, a tiny one for the aesthetic you know?

I look around at the seat section, there were a couple of couches that made me tempted to buy one but, gotta save money. Finally, one caught my eye. It was dark wood, really pretty. I decided to go with that and call some of the workers there.

"Um, excuse me?" I said as politely as I could, a guy started to come towards my direction and smiled. "Yes ma'am?"

I told him that I wanted this and asked how much it costs, it was fairly cheap but it does feel strong and I feel like it could last for long. I told him all the details and it would be over at my house for, about two days they said, fuck.

I could still look around for some stuff so I did that, and well, I found a lot.


After finding a lot of fucking items I decided to stop. Some of these items I could hand carry and take home with me today so I did that.

Finally I was done so I decided to go home, paid for everything already and it would come a few days from now. Back to my boring flat,I could at least invite someone over.

Gosh I miss Tristan, he always would come here, but things aren't the same even if I want to fix it. I do want to fix it.

Driving back to my flat, I thought maybe Brad felt the same, about fixing this thing, so maybe I should talk to him because he won't approach anytime soon. I should make the first move.

I then arrives back to my place, picking up the bags and making my way to my room.

Once I got out of the elevator, I saw a figure pass by around the corner, I didn't mind it because it could be one of my neighbors. I walked towards my room, searched for the key inside my bag and once I found it and looked up, I saw Tris.

I immediately stop, feeling the urge to turn around and walks back to the elevator and stay there for a couple of minutes, even though it was a bad idea because it was the only way to get out of here. So then I turned around and walked away.

I began peeking at the corner, it was creepy but what is he doing in front of my door?

He knocked two times, I felt bad for not coming up to him but I didn't want to I was fucking nervous. Tris waited there, his hands on his pockets and he was looking down at the floor, gosh what am I-

"Miss?" someone grabs my shoulder.

"Oh- fuck!" I yelp, turning around quickly and let out a sigh when I realized it was only Kenneth.

"Lynn? What are you doing?" he chuckles, I gave him a glare and rolled my eyes. "Don't fucking scare me like that Ken, jeez." I place the bags down and crossed my arms. "Sorry, I was about to go to your room to tell you that someone left a note in the lobby, then one of the staff gave it to me because they notice that we were friends and now," he pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket and is now handing it to me.

"here you go." he trailed off, it was a piece of paper folded into half, confusing.

"thanks, don't ever scare me again like that." I huff.

"Sorry about that," He giggles. "At least I caught you on time, because if not then I'd be waiting on your door for ages." He shrugs. "Yeah, thanks." I look at the letter, not wanting to open, yet it's making me want to open it right now.

"Oh shit." I mutter, peeking at the corner again and seeing that Tris had left, okay but where did he go? I furrow my brows together and walk back to Ken, "What?" He asks, "Nothing." I said, picking up my things. "Okay well, see you around." He waves at me and I smiled at him in retun.

I then looked at the letter once again, flipped it over and saw something,

'To: Lynn.'


[WOOHOO NEW UPDATE! who could the letter be from? THANK YOU FOR 2K READS OMG!! Sorry if this was a bit late because I had some school work to do sent by our teachers and I am not enjoying it. Anyways, hope you liked this! Comment, vote and share if you wish! Thanks for reading!]

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