6 • Excuse me? Miss

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20 minutes was all I took to reach my flat, once I opened my door, I felt a huge wave of comfort wash over me and I plopped myself down the couch.

"I really need to fix this." I mutter and grinned, sudden adrenaline felt. I had a few ideas for the flat now, I know exactly what to get and where to place them due to too much thinking.

I threw on some baggy jumper and jean shorts, those stuff make me comfortable as hell. Picked up my phone from my bed and I don't know if I mentioned this but I've got speakers hanging around my living area which makes my lonely days much more interesting and fun.

I connect my phone to the speakers and blast some music.

Singing along to he song while picking up some random magazines from the table, properly cleaning the kitchen and don't even get me started with my room.

All I can say is my room is an absolute mess, it isn't quite obvious because I act neat around people but when I show them my room it's like the complete opposite of me.

I let out a long sigh and took a minute to glance around my room, thinking what to do first. I decide to fix my bed first, it has clothes everywhere and make up, some even smudged on my sheet.

"Ah great." I mutter, removing the dead lipstick from my bed and throwing it off somewhere. I knew I had to go to the cleaners at some point, and that some point is later. I had a chunk of clothes on the corner of my room which smells, and, gross.

After what felt like hours fixing my room, I decide to rest for a while and watch some tv, it was only 4pm and I had time to kill. I kept pressing on the next button on my remote, couldn't find a good show to watch, just some random cooking shows and yoga. I didn't even know they had yoga.

So I stood up from my seat and decided to change clothes, I enter my room and opened my drawer, staring at it for a few minutes after getting another jumper which had cute pastel colors on and some jeans.

I slid on my checkered slide ons and grabbed my pathetic, item less, bag. Good thing there is a small area where they had a laundry room which is convenient. I dragged my basket outside and sighed.

Once I shut the door behind me, I heard my phone ring, for the love of god what now? "Hello?" I continue to walk towards the lift. "Hey! Lynn, you still up for the confirmation?" Erin said joyfully, honestly I felt tired but I didn't want to be rude to her, "Yeah sure, but could I like drop off my laundry downstairs first?" I press the button and waited for it to open, "Yeah no problem, I'll be waiting for you though, don't leave my hanging." She chuckled, "Of course not," I laughed, "Why would I?" I trailed off.

The door opened and I suddenly came back to my senses and pulled the basket inside the lift, luckily there was no one inside because I would've died of embarrassment. Me pulling around a basket with my knickers showing off isn't the best view you'd see while walking in the halls.

Well I did at least try to hide them.

Sucks for me because I didn't have a proper bag to put my laundry in, so I had to suffer with a damn basket, which honestly I don't really mind because girls wear knickers and what's the problem with that?

Once I've reached the laundry room I looked for the lady who always was there handling all the clothes and stuff.

"Excuse me? Miss." I said politely as I could, "Yes?" She smiled back, I showed her the basket. "Um I'm going to leave this for a couple of hours do you mind getting it done?" I mean, that was a stupid question because they would obviously wash it because it's the laundry, get a hold of yourself Lynn.

"No I don't, would you like to dry it as well?" She asks, grabbing a piece of paper and a pen. "Yeah." I smiled, "Thank you." I tittered, she nods and takes the basket from my hands. "Uh." I said, got caught off guard. "I'll go get this to Kenneth, he's in charge of the washing and drying."

Most of the laundry shops it's the one who owns the laundry will do their own, but this shop is different and it makes it more fancy. "Thank you, I'll be back in an hour or so." I smiled and took out my purse, handing her 3 pounds and now heading to the hospital Erin told me to go to.


Good thing is there wasn't much traffic and I actually got there on time, once I've entered the building I immediately saw Erin standing there, looking all nervous and shit. "Erin." I say, she didn't turn. "Erin!" I said a little more louder, I didn't want to startle the old people sitting here may I add.

"Oh hey." She waved at me and gave me a sweaty hug, "Are you okay?" I chuckle, placing my hand on her shoulders, squeezing them a bit. "No I'm not I'm fucking nervous holy shit." She mutters and rubs her head, "Jesus, easy Erin. When is the appointment going to start?"

"5 minutes."

"Great! Let's sit." I pulled her to the vacant seat in between two old men reading a book and one talking to someone on the phone loudly enough for everyone to hear. "Keep it down." I whisper to myself and rolled my eyes, he was basically screaming now.

"Bloody hell Lynn." She sighs and she grabs my arm and played with it like it was some sort of stress ball, her palms were sweaty and I was starting to become a little bit nervous as well.

Honestly I didn't know what to feel about this, I was happy, but I was also feeling something else that made me even more nervous than a while ago.

"Erin Jacobs." A lady said, looking at her with a wide smile, "Holy crap." She breathes, "it's alright I'm coming with you." We both stood up and followed the lady who guided us to the room.

Erin told me to enter the room first so I did it, once I did I saw a pretty brunette haired lady with green eyes and greeted us with a pleasant smile. She was basically a Harry Styles girl version, not gonna lie I was pretty amused.

"Hello dear." She spat, I walked further into the room so that Erin could come in, "so which one of you is Erin Jacobs?" She said politely and I pointed at Erin who was breathing heavily behind me. "Her." I mutter.


"Hello miss, shall we start?"


Oh I'm actually nervous for this I have no idea why lol, are you nervous?

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