14 • Somewhere

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[Brad's POV]
-Hours ago-

Then that was it, her lips was in mine and I couldn't move.

The feeling was uneasy, but somehow I couldn't seem to 'not like' it.

"Lynn." I said softly, unsure of what just happened.

"Sorry" She mutters, which I managed to hear. The atmosphere was indeed very awkward. I did not expect this from her, does she still like me? "I'm gonna go..." She backs up slowly and started to walk away, all I could say is, "Um, okay."

I felt guilty, for not talking to her on the spot. I shut my eyes, trying to think none of this was real. I could go crazy just because of a simple kiss, I could.

Then I decided to go after her but, I don't think she'll be still there. She was moving quite quick, I'd do the same to be honest. My breathing started to become heavy, if it was someone else I wouldn't make a big deal out of it, but this is Lynn, she means more.

Not just because we have this friendship, but also because we have history.

Not so good one.

I'm shocked we even got this far, our friendship. I'm surprised she still talks to me, in which I thought she would never again. I thought she'd fucking try to kill me, and I thought I'd never see her again. Guess what, none of that happened, I am grateful for that.

The problem is, she kissed me, which leads me to think that, there's something going on with her.

She probably had told someone, I know her, she'd at least tell someone.


She'd probably told him, they were getting a bit close these days, they probably have shared a secret or two. Lynn is the person who couldn't keep a secret from her friends, she tells them everything. Even the things that aren't that pretty.

I chase after her, getting lost while on the way to the parking lot, it's not like I haven't been here before, it just looks different, or is it just me?

After minutes of running, I finally found the way out and once I exited the building, there she was, inside her car. I actually thought she would do something, so I stood there, wanting to see what happens. I know it's dumb, but, I couldn't help it.

Suddenly, her headlights lit up and she started to drive away from me.

What the fuck was I thinking?

"Fuck!" I scream, stomping my foot hard on the ground. I was sweating, my heart is going insane and I couldn't think properly, I didn't even get the chance to grab Erin some meds, for her fucking colds.

I head towards my car, and drove home. It was really early, quarter to five. I feel so stupid for doing this, woke her up this early just to get her into this stupid chat and this, kiss.

Once I've reached home, I immediately head towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I needed to calm down, I have so much anger in me that I want to fucking destroy everything, everything that comes my way.

"Brad?" I hear Erin call, footsteps following the sound.

"Erin." I said, not facing her.

"You're back, did you find any?" She asks, I felt cold hands touch my shoulder and I tense up at the feeling. "No, sorry. They, ran out...of those." I said, not focusing on what I'm saying. If I say something I shouldn't, I'm fucking done.

"Oh, that's fine. Come back to bed." Erin says, walking away. I just hummed in response.


Waking up, very early in the morning, is very unusual for me. But this is different, I had something planned today.

I sat up, sighing. Remembering what happened last night, everything will hopefully be clear once I talk to him. I slowly stand up, but a hand stops me. "Where are you going?" Erin asks.

I'm going to fucking talk to Tristan Evans and ask him if he knew anything about Lynn kissing me and why she did it, maybe she had feelings? still? Maybe she just did it for fun? Which didn't look like it what the fuck Brad. I want to know everything.

"Out." I respond blankly.

"Where exactly? And why this early?" Erin continues to ask, I got irritated easily and all I wanted to do was shout but I can't, respect. "Just let me out Erin, I've got something to do." Yeah that's totally not rude.

"Fine. See you later." she pats my back and I gave her half a smile and stood up. To get ready to go out.

After I got ready, I got some bread on the way to my car. Breakfast is a must, even if I didn't feel like it. I grabbed my keys on the small table where we usually just throw everything at.

When I got outside, I saw an incoming car, which looked familiar, oh yeah, who could it belong to? Lynn.

I decided to ignore it, I didn't want her to know I'm outside and literally standing right there but instead I just slowly walked away. I wanted to know what she was doing here, well at least she wasn't with Tris. Which is good. I put on my cap and opened my car, she was taking too long to knock so I shut the door once I got in and looked at her. I could see that she was looking at me.

I just drove away.

Erin did talk to someone last night, it may be her. I didn't quite hear, I was too sleepy.

I drove my way to Tristan's flat, which was quite far from mine, it was traffic which made me get lost in thoughts.

The same thoughts, why. Why did she do that? The only thing that was sticking out to me is that she had feelings still but I don't want to jinx it, I don't want it to happen because, I want no one hurt, I want peace, happiness and deal with what I've got. I don't wanna go back to the past, I was a complete dick.

I don't want to hurt her again.


[WOW TWO UPDATES, I HAVE CHANGED LMAO. Anyways I updated this on a computer and It's pretty fun. I hope you guys enjoy this! Have a great day x.]

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