9 • you think my mouth is too small?

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Don't think this is some sort of date because it totally isn't, Tris and I are none other than friends.

Tris though wasn't thinking the same way, he acted all cute and sweet but I didn't mind, it's Tristan Evans find a sweeter guy than him, impossible.

Note the sarcasm.

We ended up at this small vintage restaurant which was very cozy to me, I felt relaxed and well that's the point. I ordered some fries and spicy chicken because I've been craving for it for a few days now. Tris ordered some burger the size of my head with some weird drink I've never heard of.

Now there he is, in front of me busy with his phone. "Tris." I said softly, he looked up for a split second and went back to his phone. "Yep?" He mumbled, his eyes focused on his phone. "Tris, talk to me." I lower his phone and his eyes are now connected with mine. "I am talking to you." He chuckles and pulled his phone back up, "So what do you wanna talk about?" He trailed off.

"About you actually talking to me without you focused on that damn phone." I roll my eyes and pointed at his phone, he looks at my finger and sighed. He clicks the power button on the side and looked at me, "Okay, sorry what do you want to talk about?" Tris smiled and I stared blankly at him, getting lost in my own thoughts.

I never got over the fact that Brad even said that I mean, he meant it, maybe he was drunk I'll let it slide for now.

Also the fact that Tris had offered to come, it was great that I had company, it's just that, I don't know.

And now it's 9 pm and I'm here with Tristan on a random restaurant with old people reading model magazines. "Lynn?" He laughed, snapping out of my thoughts. "Yeah, um, yeah. So..."


"Actually I have nothing to talk about it's just that you're too busy on your phone and it's bothering me in some way, not that I'm forbidding you to use your phone it's just that I can't contain too much silence and it's making me go insane-"

I was interrupted by him bursting out laughing and the lady from the kitchen serving our food. "Thank you." Tris says while I stared at him, confused. "What's so funny?" I raised a brow and took a french fry. "You're speaking way too loud and fast I barely could understand a thing." He giggles and I rolled my eyes at him sarcastically. "No I wasn't, anyways, pay attention." I joked, taking another fry.

"No yeah I get it, I'm sorry. James sent me something stupid it made me want to start a whole conversation." He sighs and started picking up his gigantic burger. "Does that even fit?" I point at the burger, then to his mouth. "You think my mouth is too small?" He acts offended and I totally fell for it.

"No! That's not it." I utter, waving my hands. "Ah that's sad." He trailed off, me still not getting what he was doing.

"No! I'm sorry I meant the burger seemed big and I don't know if it's going to fit and I didn't mean to offend you, I'm so sorry I didn't mean it please forgive me I-"


"I- yes?"

"Eat up, your foods getting cold." He laughs at me and made me realize that I've been rambling about inconsequential things. "Oh my goodness I'm so stupid sorry for rambling." I giggle nervously and started to eat my food.

I didn't know what was wrong with me, like I said I woke up at the wrong side of the bed but this emotion got the best of my curiosity. "Why? Are you nervous?" He asks, his mouth filled with food I could barely understand. "Pardon?"

He takes a few seconds to chew on his food and finish it off, "I said, why are you acting like this? Nervous?" He said clearly and waved his finger around, I shrug and smiled. "I dunno." I purse my lips and continued to eat.

"There's definitely something up, spill."

"Tris there's nothing...up."

"Yes there is don't even think of lying to me I know you." He narrows his eyes and I sigh in defeat. "I just feel so conscious and weird when I'm around Brad or Erin. I honestly feel like I'm going to explode." I said, chewing on my food. "Maybe the feelings never left? Who knows?" I shrug, playing with my food, making tiny circles.

"I don't even know anymore." I said softly and looked at Tris, he was shocked I can say, he looked disturbed. "You still like Brad?" He said confused, "I don't know Tris, maybe? Maybe not."

"Wow that's helpful."

"I know." I joked.

"You feel uncomfortable around them?" He asks, I shot my eyes up at him and shook my head, "No! Never." I furrow my brows, maybe I was right, the reason why I felt like this is because these feelings never left, these past years I tried to get it off my mind, now I just feel like I'm avoiding every single way I could possibly ever become broken again.

I don't wanna love him again.

"Just let me know if you feel uncomfortable, because if you do we'll eat in this diner forever because this," he points at his burger, "tastes great." He trailed off making me giggle, "Yeah I'm kinda digging it." I grin.

Having someone to talk to at this point was very reliving, it was great, but I also still didn't feel any changes as to how I feel for Brad.

I wanted them to be happy, I don't want to ruin their lives.

"Say, what would you do in my situation?" I ask Tris.

"Get my mind to focus on something else? Or maybe eat a lot." He said, I didn't know if he was kidding or not because he did look serious.

"You're kidding."

"I'm not!" He chuckles, "Whatever. Anyways, thanks for the help, much appreciation." I smile genuinely at him which he returned.

I felt the urge to forget about it, which I did as quickly as I could at this exact moment which I knew wasn't the very best idea.


I felt my pocket vibrate and took out my phone.

Wow so much for forgetting.


Hello! Haven't updated in AGES I STG.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this!!!!! I really like thiiissss ahhh. Please vote, comment, or share id you wish! Much love 🥰


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