19 • Vintage Shop

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"Can we talk?"

Ah, here we go.

"Yeah do you want to come in-" I pointed inside, he stopped me. "No! No, t-thanks." He chuckles awkwardly and I gave him a confused look. I wanted to act like it didn't bother me at all at this point, but the way I acted a few days ago wasn't acceptable.

"Uh, okay.." I said softly, closing the door behind me and joining him outside of my flat.

No one said anything, it was fucking awkward. So awkward.

"Uh, what is it?" I asked, pursing my lips and I was mentally back inside my flat and probably drowning in shame. "You know what it is Lynn, don't act dumb." He said, those words attacked me and I was offended, kinda.

"Wow thanks for that, what a way to start. How would I know it could be anything." I said, slowly anger rises in me and I didn't like the feeling.

"Sorry." he mutters, I sighed and leaned on the front door. "What about it?" I asked, the surroundings was dark, most likely to rain, it was cold, the weather really does watch the mood huh?

"I should be asking you that," He clears his throat and crossed his arms. "Y-you left me confused Lynn." He trailed off, I feel a knot on my throat and I couldn't swallow, my hear pounding and my palms sweaty, this is so fucking messed up.

"I know, I'm sorry, I- I didn't know what I was doing," This excuse is very famous, everyone uses this when they're in this situation. I can't blame them, because these are the only words that could come out of my mouth.

"Clearly." He tittered, I kept my eye locked on the floor, looking at his feet.

"So, why?" Brad asks, suddenly I heard loud thuds, we both look at the side, startled by the noise. He looks back at me and said, "Can we talk somewhere else?"

The last time I heard those words are when I told him that, at the hospital, fuck, don't remind me.

"Hold on." I said, opening the door behind me and I heard him whisper an okay before went inside and shut the door behind me.

"Jeremy?" I call, he then looks at me and raises his brow, "Yeah?"

"Do you have a coat? Or like some sort of sweater, also tell mum I'll be out for a few minutes." I tell him, what I like about Jeremy is that he doesn't question me, he stands up and makes his way to their room.

I could hear muffled voices, seconds later Jeremy leaves the room with a light brown knitted sweater and hands it to me, "Be home early."

I smile at him and made my way to the door, opening this door was terrifying, what could be inside his head right now?

"Let's go." I said, closing the door behind me. We then started to walk, going downstairs and, I honestly don't know where we are going but, that doesn't matter right now.

The only time he spoke to me, was when we were out of the building, out here in this small grass area, where I'm pretty sure no one is allowed to stay at.

"Listen, darling." He softly says, my stomach drops, when he said darling, it was, scary.

I look at the sky, the sun no where to be found, the sky grey as hell, still cold. "I don't know why you did that, I tried to ask Tristan about it but he won't tell me, it seemed like he was, problematic? More like, high as fuck." He chuckles, I give out a small chuckle but it wasn't genuine, I couldn't brush this off like it was some sort of joke.

"Y-you spoke to Tris?" I look up at him, he was looking down at me, I look away immediately. "Yeah, did something happen?" He asks, started to walk again, we were walking towards a small park.

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