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Julia: i'm sorry my bf didn't really like the fact that i was texting another boy

Dom: oh

Dom: i mean i can imagine but we don't even know each other

Dom: plus he started

Julia: yeah it's not a problem to me

Julia: i've got several male friends

Dom: right

Julia: i'm 16 by the way

Dom: OMG i-

Dom: oh oh my god i'm so sorry for texting you then i thought you-

Dom: i mean on your pfp you kinda look older

Dom: with the tattoos and stuff

Julia: how old are you then?

Dom: 22..

Julia: oh

Julia: i mean we can still text?

Dom: yeah but idk it doesn't really feel right Julia.

Dom: i feel like i'm texting a child like no offense or anything but it doesn't feel right

Julia: dom calm down

Dom: no but like do you get my point

Julia: i was joking

Julia: i'm 19

Dom: oh

Dom: omg i was scared

Dom: idk why but it felt so wrong

Julia: the way you panicked hahahahaha

Julia: hahahaha

Dom: :((( not funny i felt like a pedoph*le or something

Julia: you literally thought i was 16

Dom: i mean yeah what else was i supposed to do when you tell me you are

Julia: idk look at my pfp again and think to yourself "she can't be 16"

Dom: girls these days look so old

Dom: i once met a girl at a bar like two years ago and she was nice and i thought she was pretty

Dom: but then she told me she was 15

Dom: i never cut off a conversation so quickly

Julia: hahahahha oh my god

Julia: did you kiss her?

Julia: like before you knew?

Dom: i didn't

Dom: i was about to but i'm so glad i didn't

Julia: damn

Dom: yeah

Dom: i'm sad i don't have more to tell you because you seem like a nice girl

Dom: that sounded SO much like a ped*phile

Dom: i'm so sorry i-

Dom: i meant i like talking to you that's all

Julia: dom hahahaha

Julia: you sound like someone who says things before thinking

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