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Julia: what the fuck did you do

Julia: dom what the fuck??

Julia: can you answer my calls

Julia: this is really not ok

Julia: stay the fuck out of my problems ok 

Dom: i'm sorry julia i was just so mad :(

Dom: and i couldn't contain myself anymore like i just wanted to talk to him personally

Julia: TALK to him ?

Julia: you beat him up

Dom: yeah

Dom: i'm so sorry i was so angry

Julia: listen i thought i was able to tell you things because i trusted you

Julia: but i never asked you to interfere with my problems

Julia: like i never fucking asked you to beat my boyfriend up

Julia: if i wanted you to i'd ask you

Dom: so he's still your boyfriend


Julia: i'm literally telling you how fucking dumb you are and you still care if brendon is my boyfriend or not

Dom: yes because i want to know if the conversation went ok and if you're safe

Julia: there was no conversation

Julia: brendon called me up to tell me you beat him up and he called me names and i didn't know what to do so i apologized on your fucking behalf and then hung up

Dom: fuck i'm so so sorry this was not my intention

Julia: then wtf did you think would happen

Julia: that he would be scared? to talk to me? that he would listen to me all of a sudden? all because you beat him up???

Dom: no

Dom: i wasn't really thinking julia i'm sorry

Julia: i just can't stand how you do shit without thinking like it's so dumb

Julia: how did you even find him

Dom: i don't know i drove to your side of the city and i didn't think i would actually see him but i did and i got so angry when i saw him

Dom: because i kept thinking of the way you couldn't stop shaking and crying on the way back home and i couldn't believe HE was the reason for that

Julia: you ruined it

Dom: ruined what

Dom: if brendon broke up with you now then it's fine right

Julia: you don't understand

Dom: you know what

Dom: you're right i DON'T understand like i don't understand why you keep caring about him so much

Dom: i know it's hard to leave him now since you risk something but it has been like this for weeks

Dom: ever since i knew you

Dom: i've been telling you from the VERY START that he's not good and he doesn't treat you right

Dom: and you kept fucking defending him

Dom: while i'm just here like

Dom: actually CARING about you

Julia: what do you even mean

Dom: idk if you've noticed julia but i've been having feelings for you and i CANNOT fucking stand how you keep going out with someone who abuses you while i would literally do ANYTHING for you

Dom: it is frustrating as hell

Julia: are you serious

Dom: yes

Dom: and i fucking hate how i told you over text but i couldn't take it any longer

Julia: you really have feelings for me

Dom: i do

Julia: oh

Dom: do you hate me now

Dom: i just felt so shitty because all i do is think about you and yesterday night it felt so good and it all got ruined by him

Julia: just stop

Dom: stop what

Julia: i'm sorry but i can't do this anymore

Julia: first you beat up my boyfriend and then you

Julia: nvm i just need some time

Dom: you're gonna leave me?

Julia: i need to think dom

Dom: can't we talk about it?

Julia: just don't text me again i need some time ok


Things are going down guys it took a while but they are going down now

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