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Dom: i did something...

Julia: oh no

Julia: please don't tell me you got arrested

Dom: wHAT

Dom: no omg why would you think that

Julia: uhm idk because you literally JUST told me you like going to abandoned buildings

Julia: and that sounds pretty illegal to me

Dom: ok mom

Julia: it is tho

Dom: yes but anyways no i've not been arrested

Julia: i'm glad

Julia: because i wouldn't pick you up sorry

Dom: :(

Julia: but you're making me curious now what is it???


Julia: OMG

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Julia: OMG


Dom: well observed

Dom: what do you think of it?


Dom: you think??

Julia: yes!! don't you?

Dom: yes i like it

Julia: did you do it yourself?

Dom: yeah

Dom: i wanted to go to the hairdresser today and i literally made an appointment already but i didn't want to go because i didn't want my hair to be shorter

Dom: but i wanted a change you know

Dom: so i thought why not color it

Dom: but i didn't want my hair to be all pink

Dom: and tbh i don't have the patience for that

Dom: so i did a few strands

Julia: fucking awesome

Dom: thanks :)

Julia: do you do illegal stuff often?

Dom: are you still stuck in the abandoned building?

Julia: haha yeah idk i just thought of that

Dom: not anymore

Dom: i used to when i was around 16/17

Dom: but it was too risky when i turned 18 because you know future job and stuff

Dom: and also i kinda started getting depressed so i didn't go out a lot anymore

Julia: oh :(

Julia: i'm sorry ://

Dom: well maybe it's for the best because three of my friends have been in jail already hahaha

Julia: omg....

Julia: so you're a CRIMINAL criminal

Dom: nooo i'm responsible now 😌

Julia: sure

Dom: yes!

Julia: ok mr criminal

Dom: JULA don't call me that i'm not a criminal i'm responsible period

Julia: hahaha he's getting offended

Dom: 😠😠

Julia: i was looking at your picture again

Dom: not creepy at all

Julia: STOP i wasn't done yet

Julia: but i like the nail polish mr criminal

Dom: bye

Julia: NO



Dom: i'm not talking to you if you call me mr criminal!!

Dom: because i'm responsible

Julia: when i asked you yesterday if you wanted to take me to an abandoned building one time you were enthusiastic as hell

Julia: mr crimin-

Dom: i-

Dom: forget the abandoned building hshahaha

Dom: i go to the gym nearly every day, i've got my own apartment, buy my own groceries

Julia: extra points for you

Dom: you can't say that about yourself can you

Julia: since when is this a roast game

Dom: since you're being annoying jules!!

Julia: i'm never!

Dom: you are!

Julia: 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Dom: don't do that

Julia: why not

Dom: because it's gonna make me soft and you'll win the fight

Julia: exactly what i want

Julia: mr criminal

*Dom blocked you*

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