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"Do you remember me?" he asked her, his hands around her body in a way she couldn't move. Julia pressed her lips together and didn't even dare to breathe.

"N- No."

She had to admit she did recognize the voice, which made it even scarier because she had no idea what the person wanted from her. But she didn't know who it was.

"I bet you do when you look into my eyes."

Julia tried to turn around to look into his eyes, but the boy kept her in place, his arm around her throat so it was impossible to move.

"What do you want?" Julia sneered at him, hiding the fact that she had never been so scared.

"You," he said, "for real this time."


"H- How did you find me?"

Julia hated herself for the fact that she stuttered, but she could no longer hide her fear. She had had nightmares about Benjamin several times, that he would come back. She never knew why, but now she knew it was because he actually would come back.

"It's very unsafe to be at the beach all on your own," he said, ignoring what she asked him. "There might be creeps around, you'll never know."

He chuckled and that was enough for Julia to slap him away from her. He backed up for a second and Julia could punch him in his stomach, but he showed no pain and immediately grabbed her by her throat.

"You're a fighter," he said with a smile on his face. "We need that."


He was planning something for Julia. In fact, he had planned it all out. And she never knew what she did wrong to him.

Julia tried to push him away for a second time, but he saw it coming this time ane he held her tighter, opening his mouth to tell her something else that would freak her out. But all of a sudden his face lit up by two lights of a car that was driving toward the beach.

Benjamin turned around quickly and swore under his breath. He tried to pull Julia away by her arm quickly, but Julia was quick to move away from his grip. She tried to run away, but failed and tripped over her feet, causing her to fall into the sand.

"Fucking hell," Benjamin mumbled and he reached out to grab Julia's arm again, but she was too heavy for him to lift her up like that, so he eventually dropped her, her head falling against the stone she had been sitting on the entire day.


Julia tried to catch her breath when she opened her eyes, but it felt like Benjamin was still holding her throat closed, even though it had just been a flashback.

"Jules, hey," someone spoke, getting her attention.

She looked into the direction of the voice and saw it was Dom was sitting next to her on the chair Senna had been sitting on when Julia fell asleep. He leaned forward a bit and rubbed her arm.

"Are you okay? Take a deep breath."

Within just a second Julia had totally forgotten about her flashback and just stared at Dom, not even breathing at all.

"How did y-" she managed to get out, making Dom smile a little.

"Take a deep breath first. What did you dream about?"

He sounded so calm and he never lost eye contact with her, looking out of his green eyes, that did look a bit worried.

The fact that Dom was sitting next to her pretending like he had never left her at all messed as much with her head as the flashback, and it didn't take long until she let out her first sob, even though she bit down on her lip as harshly as she could.

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