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She had clearly heard her phone ring at least five times even though she had left it in the car. She knew it was her mum worrying about her because she never told her where she went. Normally she hated worrying her mum, but this time she was ok with it.

Or maybe it was Brendon calling, telling her he made mistakes and he's going to fix it, like he always did. Or maybe he was calling to call her names, but Julia didn't really care.

She pretended she didn't hear anything else than Dom's breathing while she was laying on his stomach, looking at the stars that were now as beautiful and bright as the city lights in front of them were.

Whenever she thought about it she could still feel Dom's lips on hers because of the way her lips were still tingling and warm. She was sure there was a small red mark underneath her bottom lip since he bit it a few times. Very gently though.

"When did you know it?" Julia asked Dom while enjoying the feeling of him playing with her long hair.

"That you liked me?" Dom guessed, and Julia shook her head.

"That you liked me."

"Wasn't it obvious that I was flirting with you pretty much from the very start?" he asked her, a smile audible in his voice. Julia shrugged and laughed softly.

"A little. But I thought you were just nice."

"I am nice," Dom said quickly, causing Julia to laugh again. "But I also just... tried to be extra nice."


Julia smiled fondly as he said it with a cute voice, and she snuggled closer to him.

"But I think I started really liking you, like with the little butterflies, when we started messing with each other and stuff. I mean when..."

He thought about it for a moment, trying to find the exact point he could remember when he realized he liked her.

"I think when I sent that selfie and you said 'you're all smiley'. I don't know."

Julia tried to remember it, and then her eyes widened and she sat up quickly. "When I sent that ugly selfie?! Wasn't that- That was right after you blocked me!"

Dom laughed at her sudden reaction and nodded.

"For only six hours," he said teasingly, booping her nose, probably remembering how mad Julia was at him when he unblocked her and texted her again.

"Six was a lot," Julia said, pouting. Dom laughed and pulled her closer to him so their faces where only a few inches apart and he kissed her shortly a few times.

"Won't do it again," he whispered, making Julia smile. She kissed him a few more times, a little longer, and then pulled away to lay next to him in the grass. She noticed the grass surely was a lot colder than Dom's body.

"Aren't you cold?" she asked him before she shivered and wrapped her arms around her body to make sure Dom's jacket was covering all of her body, hoping it would warm her up.

Dom shook his head. "Are you?"

Julia nodded in response, and Dom rolled over to wrap his arms around her and press her against his chest. She couldn't see the stars nor the city lights anymore as her head was buried in his shoulder, but she could smell his cologne which she loved so much so it was okay to lay like that for much longer.

Dom didn't feel like that, though.

"I think you need to go home," he whispered to her while rubbing her back trying to warm her up.

"No," she immediately said, pressing her body more against Dom's, feeling his arms wrapping around her back tighter.

"Don't act like you didn't hear your phone ring multiple times."

She hated how he was right, as he always seemed to be, but she still refused to give in.

"I don't want to go back. I just... don't want this night to be over and go back to Brendon trying to talk to me and my parents asking about him, and my friends-"

She sighed and shrugged. Dom breathed out slowly as he gently pushed her body away from his to look her in the eyes.

"That's gonna be over in a few days," he reassured her. "It's not that I'm leaving you after tonight, remember that."

The way his voice was so soothing and the way he looked into her eyes deeply caused Julia's stomach to flip in a weird way. She smiled at the feeling, but the smile disappeared right when she thought back to going back home.

"Can't I sleep at yours tonight?" she asked him, her eyes big knowing that when she looked like that he got all soft and it was hard for him to say no. It was funny how she already knew his weak points, even though she had seen him only a few times yet.

"You can't honey," Dom said and she could indeed see how hard he found it to say no by the way he was frowning and let out a quiet sigh. "I would love to but I've got a meeting tomorrow morning and you've got school."

She opened her mouth to argue with him again, but he was first.

"And no, I'm not letting you go by metro so early in the morning."

She pouted again and Dom sat up only to pull her up as well and bring her face closer to his to kiss her. He wanted to give her another kiss but right at that moment he seemed to change his mind.

"We can do something before I bring you home," he said quietly as if someone could hear them, "only if you promise to text your mum first that I'm bringing you home later tonight."

Julia laughed and shook her head. "Why do you always care about my mum so much?"

Dom smiled innocently and ran his hand through his hair while looking up at the sky, probably to hold back his smile. "I want her to like me and I don't want her to think you left Brendon to go out with a shitty teenage boy who doesn't even know what he's doing."

The way it genuinely seemed to bother him caused Julia to laugh even more and she laid her hand on his cheek to gently stroke her thumb over it. "She likes you, don't worry."

"She'll like me only if you text her now so she doesn't worry about you."

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