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"And what if you play a B minor there?"

Dom looked at his notebook while chewing on the back of his pen, frowning. Julia looked down at the guitar that was resting on her stomach because of the way they were laying on the couch in the little studio. She adjusted her fingers and played the chord Dom suggested.

"Maybe if it starts during 'just'," Julia said thoughtfully, strumming the chord again.

"And just take my heart out-"

Dom shot up and pointed at the guitar enthusiastically. "Fuck yeah that's it!"

Julia giggled and bit her lip as she couldn't stop herself from watching Dom fondly. Every time they got another part for the song he got all excited and happy and it was the best thing ever. It was the only reason she could do it the rest of the night.

"Please sing the line again, followed by the next one," Dom begged her as he sat back again, resting his back against the couch.

"You're the singer," Julia protested. "I'm not singing this song."

"Please Jules! I just wanna see how it sounds from someone else." He pouted while they made eye contact and then laid his head on her shoulder. He probably did it to make her softer so she would sing the part. Or the whiskey he had been drinking was kicking in now.

Julia sighed dramatically, knowing Dom would laugh which he indeed did, and then she focused on her guitar while she felt Dom's hair prickling in her neck. She kind of liked the warmth, though.

"And just take my heart out, that'll make it better, I-"

She stopped for a moment searching for the right chord, and heard Dom whisper "B minor again" after which he giggled, causing Julia to softly smile and play the chord.

"I won't be sorry, better late than never."

"Fucking awesome," Dom mumbled before taking his head off of Julia's shoulder.

"Do you wanna record it now?" Julia asked him while he sat up and she could turn around to face him.

He shook his head. "That'd mean we finished the song and that would leave no reasons for you to come over again soon."

He pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. The way he said it and the way he looked out of his eyes when he pouted showed that it was indeed the whiskey that was kicking in.

"You really think I'll never come over again after we finished this song?" Julia asked him, frowning a little.

"Not never," Dom answered, "just... not soon."

Julia chuckled and shook her head. She took laid her guitar next to her on the couch and stood up only to turn around and look at Dom again.

"I promise I'll come over soon."

She saw him smile and then she turned around to walk over to the desk with the whiskey bottle on it and poured a little of it in the glass Dom used as well.

"Since the alcohol is kicking in for you I don't wanna be left behind."

Before she could even take a sip of it, Dom jumped up and ran over to her to stop her.

"You said you didn't want to drink tonight!" he yelled way too loud for the quiet and small space they were in.

"One glass is ok," Julia told him, slowly taking his hand down that was around the glass.

Dom thought about it for a second and then let her go only to grab the whiskey bottle to drink from that and he mumbled "one is ok."

Obviously Julia didn't just drink one glass of whiskey and the further they got into recording the song the more whiskey was consumed. They went on until a moment where Dom couldn't normally record the song anymore without either stumbling over his word or stopping himself from singing because he had a laughing fit, so they decided to stop and just hang on the couch.

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