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Julia: hey i was wondering

Julia: are you still mad at me?

Julia: like we didn't really talk about what happened anymore before you left and i feel like you're still mad at me:/

Julia: which is totally okay like i get it but i just wanna know

Dom: can i be honest?

Julia: please

Dom: well i don't wanna say i'm MAD at you but i'm still kinda

Dom: idk

Dom: hurt i guess

Julia: :((( i get that i'm so sorry i still can't believe i made you leave like that

Dom: no honestly it sometimes feel like i try my hardest to make you feel good and make you feel loved and you sometimes just cut me off like that and idk

Dom: it makes me wonder if you still like me the way i like you

Julia: yes i do :((

Julia: i mean of course i can't know how much you like me but i like you a whole fucking lot like i'm genuinely in love with you

Dom: well yeah sometimes it just doesn't feel like you are

Dom: sometimes for me it feels like you don't even want me around and you think i'm annoying

Julia: baby i don't :(

Julia: i'm sorry about the way i've been acting towards you lately and i know i shouldn't have done it like that

Dom: no

Julia: but i'm fr so fucking in love with you like i've been thinking about tour with you for the past weeks and i get so excited every time i think about it

Dom: aw

Dom: but is it the tour you're excited for or?

Julia: nooo of course it's not just the tour. it's the fact that i'll be with you every day for weeks and that we can travel around america together and idk just the fact that i don't have to miss you because i can only see you once or twice a week

Dom: 🥺 okay

Dom: it's just

Dom: okay i'm gonna be honest okay

Julia: yes

Dom: when you made me leave early today i was considering to break up with you because i was fucking hurt and i felt like you didn't even care about me. i don't know... like i stood in the hallway for a moment to think whether i should break up with you or not

Dom: but i promised you i wouldn't break up with you because of your memory loss so i felt like i couldn't do it. that just wouldn't be fair.

Dom: anyway yeah i thought i'd be honest and let you know what i felt right at that moment

Julia: :( dom i'm genuinely so so so fucking sorry like so fucking sorry

Dom: yeah

Dom: it's fine i guess

Julia: it's not

Dom: no


Julia: baby i didn't know you felt so hurt like obviously i knew you were hurt but i didn't even realize how bad i hurt you until now

Dom: that's fine i'll be over it within like two days

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