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"This is the spot I used to sit at all the time."

Dom pointed at a small table with three chairs next to the window that looked out over the square, which was pretty crowded due to the good weather.

"Let's sit there then," Julia said happily and she walked over to the table while Dom followed her. She took off her jacket before sitting down, watching Dom putting the hood on his head.

"It's cold man," he said, shivering, making Julia laugh and shake her head.

"Maybe you could've brought a jacket with you."

Dom shrugged and laid both of his hands on the table, exposing the rings he was wearing on some of his fingers.

"I never wear one. Hoodies are way more comfortable."

Julia studied his rings and looked at the little black hearts on his middle fingers. It matched with the black nail polish he was wearing. And of course his black sweater.

"I like the tattoos," Julia commented when she saw Dom noticed her looking at his fingers.

Dom consciously fidgeted with his fingers and touched his tattoos gently, stroking his finger over them.

"Why thank you."

"What can I get for you two?"

A young waitress with brown hair and brown eyes that looked huge because of the mascara she was using, interrupted them and made them both look her way.

"Two chocolate milk," Dom spoke, "and a big plate of nachos with cheese."

The waitress wrote the order down as Julia and Dom looked at each other.

"You want anything else?" Dom asked Julia quietly. She shook her head and looked back up at the waitess to smile nicely at her to sign that that was the order.

"The nachos here are so good," Dom said once the waitress had walked away.

"As long as the big plate is truly big because I'm fucking hungry," Julia said whiny, making Dom laugh.

"Believe me it is."


They had talked about some basic things and more about life as they waited for their order. It was weird because even though it was the first time seeing each other, they knew a lot about each other's lifes already. Still Dom had a lot to talk about.

"How's the chocolate milk?" he asked her excitedly after Julia had taken her first sip. She smiled fondly as she licked her lips to get the whipped cream off.

"I don't like it."

For a moment Dom's smile disappeared and his eyes got all concerned, but then he saw Julia biting her lip trying not to laugh, and he pushed her free arm lightly.

"Fuck off."

"It's amazing."

"I know it is," he said as he picked up his own cup.

Julia put her cup down to get her phone and held it up, resting her elbows on the table.

"Quick picture for my mum," she said and Dom laughed and posed before getting back to his chocolate milk.

"Are you warm again?" Julia asked him when she saw him wrapping both of his hands around the cup, blowing into it. He nodded with a soft smile.

"I am."

The nachos were as great as the chocolate milk, and they finished it within ten minutes, even though the plate was indeed huge.

"You chose the right cafe," Julia commented, and Dom nodded satisfied.

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