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Julia: hi

Dom: finally hi

Dom: i'm so glad you texted

Julia: yeah sorry it took so long

Dom: it's ok

Dom: i just didn't wanna text you first because i felt like it'd be annoying so i just waited because you promised me to text after you talked to brendon

Dom: so you guys talked now

Julia: yeah

Dom: how did it go?

Julia: haha

Julia: not so well

Dom: did he hurt you

Dom: was he very mad at you

Julia: yes

Julia: he thought i was cheating on him so he kept screaming i was a slut and stuff

Julia: and i kept telling him we just became good friends and then he started telling me how i always fucked everything up

Dom: :( honey i'm so sorry

Julia: and that went on for like half an hour but i don't really wanna talk about everything now idk

Dom: i understand it's ok

Julia: but at the end he told me i had to block you on every social media and i told him i didn't wanna do that because i wanna be able to be friends with other guys when i'm in a relationship

Julia: and he said i can but i can't be friends with you which is bullshit

Julia: so i told him that if he didn't accept my friendship with you i wanted to break up with him

Dom: you broke up with him??

Julia: idk

Dom: what happened then

Julia: i don't really know

Dom: like did he just leave and say nothing? or did he give a weird answer?

Julia: i mean

Julia: i don't know how to say it properly without it sounding absolutely insane

Dom: ? what do you mean

Julia: basically he

Julia: he choked me i guess

Dom: you guess????

Dom: you fucking guess

Dom: what did he do julia

Julia: idk he held me down and i couldn't breathe and he told me things and i just cried and everything turned black because i was freaking out so i don't exactly know what he said

Dom: that's literally choking

Dom: julia idk if you're aware of this but it's really abusive and toxic and really REALLY not ok

Julia: i know

Julia: this was the worst out of everything though like he's never been as mad as this

Julia: but idk what to do i couldn't talk anymore and suddenly he was gone and i was just sitting there crying and i didn't know what to do and i still don't know

Julia: i can't break up with him like he won't let me

Dom: if you wanna break up with him you should be able to break up with him

Dom: tell your parents about it so they can help you

Julia: that's the thing, brendon works for my dad and brendon loves his job like it's his entire life and if he loses it he'll be so fucking mad

Julia: so if i'm the reason he loses his job because my dad gets to know what he did to me brendon will kill me

Dom: fuck fuck fuck

Dom: i wanna kill that fucking guy

Julia: i don't know what to do dom

Dom: are you home right now?

Julia: yes

Dom: ok good

Dom: don't worry i'm not planning to come over if you don't want me to but just checking

Julia: thanks dom :(

Dom: maybe let it be for today and try to calm down and give yourself rest and talk to him tomorrow

Dom: be sure to choose a public place to talk to him so he can't do anything to you

Dom: and maybe kind of confront him with his behavior and how it's not normal for a relationship

Julia: i'm too scared to confront him like he's always stronger than me he'll tell me i'm dumb

Julia: but maybe the public place is a good idea

Julia: i don't wanna talk to him alone anymore

Dom: you shouldn't


Julia: i texted him saying i wanna meet up in the cafe close to my house tomorrow

Julia: and he said ok

Julia: so i'm happy about that because i was afraid he didn't wanna talk to me in public

Dom: aw i'm glad :)

Dom: it's gonna be ok yeah?

Julia: i hope so

Dom: of course

Dom: at least you'll be safe in the cafe and if you feel too worried you can also inform the waiter that you're meeting up with someone who makes you feel a little uncomfortable so he can look out for you

Julia: that's actually a good idea

Julia: idk if i'm brave enough to do that but thanks

Dom: :)

Julia: how do you know all that stuff

Dom: i worked in a cafe for a while and i've seen some weird shit

Julia: oh :(

Julia: did you ever have to help girls when they were like

Julia: in danger or something

Dom: a few times yeah

Dom: pretty shit

Julia: yeah :(

Dom: but i hope you're safe tomorrow and you won't need help

Julia: me too

Julia: but he's my boyfriend still so i hope i can trust him at least a little bit

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