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Julia: yeah zach was the name of that guy

Dom: oh my GOD you're finally back

Julia: okay you want to know what i remember and i thought about it a lot. i don't remember everything still but it's more than i used to remember

Dom: that's okay just tell me

Julia: i have to admit i did tell him he had pretty eyes. and he said thank you or whatever. and i vaguely remember us having a small talk about you after that. i don't know why but we did. and i told him you make me happy or something like that. and all of a sudden he started kissing my neck.

Julia: now i think back at it he may have told me he wanted to make me as happy as you do, or whatever.

Julia: but i pushed him away which didn't work. and then he touched my boob while still kissing my neck and i was so in shock so i managed to push him away which gave me the opportunity to get out of his grip and run upstairs to lock myself up.

Dom: julia

Dom: i can't even describe how sorry i am for getting mad at you

Dom: like i'm actually so mad at myself for not instantly believing you

Dom: i literally don't know what to say i've never been so mad at myself

Dom: i hope you can forgive me but i also understand if you're still very mad at me

Dom: the fact that you literally told him i make you happy :((

Dom: i'm gonna cut benjamin out of my life right fucking now okay

Dom: but i know i should've done it right when he sent me that message. i just should've believed you i'm so so sorry

Dom: are you at home right now? are you okay after what happened in class?

Julia: i got sent home after i made up a lie to my teacher and told her my mum was in the hospital

Julia: because i was too embarrassed to tell her about what was happening

Dom: so you're at home?

Julia: no but i'm okay

Julia: don't go search for me okay i need to think

Dom: okay of course

Dom: we're not over, right? you said something earlier and

Dom: idk

Julia: no we're not

Dom: okay that's good

Dom: thank you for not cutting me out of your life right away

Dom: i would have done that if i were you probably

Julia: dom

Dom: yes?

Julia: could you please stop putting yourself down like that

Dom: but i deserve that

Julia: no you don't

Dom: oh

Julia: please stop talking about yourself like that. i don't hate you. i also don't like you less. it's alright.

Dom: :(

Dom: aren't you mad at me?

Dom: i really acted like a dick

Julia: i mean yeah a little

Julia: but you were worried and i get that

Julia: let's just never talk about it again. it happened and i'm glad you believe me.

Dom: okay

Julia: and promise me you won't fight benjamin because i really can't handle you being beaten up again. i don't want that.

Dom: i promise :(

Dom: thank you so much julia :(


Julia: you were right though when you said looking at the city does help clearing your mind

Dom: wait

Dom: you went to the hill with the city view?

Julia: yeah

Dom: that's so fucking cute omg

Dom: i'm glad it helped 🥺🥺

Dom: how long have you been sitting there?

Julia: about three hours now

Dom: jesus

Dom: aren't you hungry?

Julia: no actually i'm good

Julia: i kinda expected you to be here as well for some reason

Julia: but maybe it's better you didn't come here

Dom: yeah

Julia: are you just at home?

Dom: yeah i've been laying in bed for a while

Julia: oh are you ok though?

Dom: yeah

Julia: how long have you been in bed?

Dom: ever since benjamin texted me

Julia: baby :(

Dom: it's alright

Julia: no but like aren't YOU hungry?

Dom: no it's fine

Julia: take care of yourself okay

Dom: don't worry about it

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