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Julia: hello stranger

Dom: hello young girl

Dom: fuck i should stop looking like a ped*phile

Dom: what if you stop believing i'm actually dominic of 22 and not an old man

Julia: hahahahaha

Julia: yeah actually i wouldn't know

Julia: but if you're an old man you're nice to talk to and you're kinda funny

Dom: thank you young lady

Julia: now stop calling me that before i start doubting your reality

Dom: you called me stranger....

Dom: after you just texted me two days ago how happy it makes you to talk to me

Dom: kinda unfair :/

Julia: hahaha

Julia: i'm sorry bub

Dom: it's all right

Julia: did you go to the gym again

Dom: good guess yes i did

Julia: great

Dom: i hated it

Dom: but i got my dopamine again so we're good

Julia: proud of u

Dom: :))


Julia: i actually wanted to text you because i feel like shit

Dom: oh shit what's up

Dom: i'm so sorry for not asking you back how your day was. that's stupid i'm sorry

Julia: it's ok dom i'm happy you replied at least

Dom: what's wrong?

Julia: my parents fought

Julia: and then i went to brendon's house because i felt so sad and they wouldn't stop screaming at each other and me

Julia: but brendon was hanging out with his friends and once i came in he started being so rude to me so i left :/

Julia: and now i am at a playground on my own

Julia: and i tried to call demi but i think she's at her boyfriend's football game so she didn't pick up

Dom: jules i'm so so sorry :((

Dom: wtf that sucks so much i'm sorry that has happened

Dom: what did brendon say to you?

Julia: well he said he was busy gaming now and i told him my parents had a fight and i asked him if i could stay at his house for the night but he said "you fucking know i have a test tomorrow so you can't"

Julia: but he was literally gaming

Dom: :(((( that's so rude of him i can't believe he treated you like that

Julia: yeah :/

Dom: so you left his house right after?

Julia: yes

Dom: :/ is he always like this when he's with his friends?

Julia: sometimes, not always

Julia: and like i get it though. he wants to look cool or whatever. every boyfriend seems to do it. but this time it really sucked i guess

Dom: of course

Dom: and boys shouldn't be like that. fucking rude

Julia: yeah i guess

Julia: anyways yeah idk what to do now

Julia: also senna is still at home so maybe i'll just go back and sleep in her room tonight

Julia: don't wanna leave her alone

Dom: your sister is called senna?

Julia: yeah i'm sorry senna is my lil sister

Dom: how old is she?

Julia: 15

Dom: ah

Dom: yeah i think she would love to be able to talk to you and hang with you. it's always better than being alone right?

Dom: for both of you

Julia: yeah you're right

Julia: i'll just wait some more until my parents are probably asleep so i won't have to talk to them

Dom: alright

Dom: i'd say you can come to my house for a bit but you don't even know me and also i don't even know how far away from me you live hahaha

Dom: just be careful outside yeah?

Dom: don't want you to get hurt or something

Dom: maybe go to the mall. there are more people there. a playground in the evening doesn't sound like a safe environment

Dom: jules are you still there?

Dom: julia

Dom: text me if you see this

Dom: just a quick text so i know you're ok. i understand if you don't wanna talk

Dom: julia????

Dom: julia it's been half an hour :(

*Incoming call from Dom 3x*

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