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Julia: how did your meeting go? you never told me about it!!

Dom: omg no i didn't

Dom: it went great actually :) even better than i expected

Julia: really??

Dom: yeahhh he liked the songs so much

Dom: like he was so enthusiastic about them and he definitely wasn't faking it

Dom: and he absolutely loved hope for the underrated youth

Julia: he did ????

Dom: yeah!!

Julia: 🥺🥺 i'm so happy for you baby

Dom: 🥺💗💗

Dom: and i proudly told him i wrote it with my girlfriend 😌

Julia: aahhh hahah the cutest

Dom: and he told me i should come over again some other time with you!!

Julia: he did?

Dom: yeah! just for fun though like nothing serious but he liked the song a lot and he wanted to meet you and like talk to you too

Julia: omg

Dom: so if you want..

Julia: yeahh i mean of course i want to

Dom: great :) i'll tell him

Julia: what is he gonna do with your songs now?

Dom: ok so as i told you he's got connections with a record label and he said he's gonna show them the songs and see what they think

Julia: broooo

Julia: that's HUGE like if you're lucky it can be your way to become a performer 🥺

Dom: i knowww

Dom: i don't really realize it yet

Dom: like it feels so unreal

Dom: but first i wanna wait until he's gonna talk to them

Julia: did he tell you when he's gonna do that?

Dom: he said within two weeks

Dom: so i'll just wait

Julia: pls pls pls tell me as soon as you hear from him again

Dom: i will honey dw

Julia: :))


Julia: look what i'm wearing



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