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Julia: dom help me

Dom: what's wrong??

Julia: i've got an exam tomorrow and i don't understand it

Dom: hahaha

Dom: what subject?

Julia: history of art

Dom: oh damn

Julia: right

Julia: like i don't understand a word it's so confusing

Dom: i used to get low grades all the time but i got interested in history eventually and my grades went 📈

Julia: hahaha

Julia: well could you maybe help me? 🥺

Dom: of course

Dom: send me the pages you have to study so i can take a quick look at it

Dom: maybe i even have a summary somewhere if it's the book i had as well

Julia: omg yeah sure

Julia: what's your email? i'll send it to that

Julia: think that's easier because the book is on my laptop


Julia: that's boring

Dom: that literally my name like what am i supposed to do

Dom: imagine giving your email to some company and it's something like

Dom: that would literally be embarrassing

Julia: hahahaha yeah but

Julia: most people created their email when they were like 10 so they don't think about the name

Dom: so you're saying you have an email with horsesarelife

Julia: no

Julia: i mean not with horses at least i don't like horses

Dom: omg but you do have a funny name ??

Julia: idk maybe

Dom: hahahaha oh my god

Dom: what is it

Julia: you'll see

Dom: send me the mail then

Julia: calm down

Dom: hurry!!!

Dom: just kidding

Julia: you know i don't really need help anymore

Dom: noooo

Dom: no jula send me the mail i wanna see it now

Dom: also i wanna help you :(

Dom: julesssss

Dom: jula

Dom: cmon i wanna help you!!



Julia: .....

Dom: hahahahahaha

Julia: embarrassing

Dom: so when you said i love harry styles you MEANT it

Julia: yeah i was like in love with him when i was 13

Julia: now i say it like that it sounds so weird because he was 17 or something back then i don't even know

Dom: hahahaha

Dom: don't worry i've been in love with him too

Dom: haven't we all

Julia: you???

Dom: of course!!! harry fucking styles

Julia: sorry i just

Julia: thought you were straight for some reason idk

Julia: not that it matters ofc

Dom: no i'm into girls too

Dom: like

Dom: i don't fucking know man

Dom: i mean i've liked girls like huge crushes but also boys can just get me sometimes you know what i mean

Julia: yeah

Julia: i get you

Julia: dw you don't have to label :)

Dom: no :))

Dom: ok i'm gonna read the book rn

Julia: thank u so much 🥺


Dom: i sent you my summary and some notes!!!

Julia: omg that's so sweet thank you so so much

Julia: you're a life safer dom like forreal

Julia: i can't thank you enough

Dom: it's ok don't worry!!

Dom: just hmu any time you need help

Dom: especially for art history if that's your worst subject :) i can help

Julia: thank you that's really sweet of you xx

Dom: <3

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