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Dom: how is rehearsing lights up going

Julia: kinda alright i guess

Julia: it's a hard song

Dom: yeah harry styles writes songs that are unique i guess

Dom: i've tried to cover one of them as well but it's so hard

Julia: yeah

Julia: i'm making an acoustic version of it now because that fits my voice better i guess

Dom: omg yes

Dom: sounds awesome

Dom: also i've got a game for you

Julia: uh okay


Dom: guess where i've just been

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Dom: guess where i've just been

Julia: uhhhh

Julia: i don't know

Julia: i'd say the gym because you always go to the gym and you seem to always send selfies when you're on your way

Dom: hahaha don't expose me

Dom: but no

Julia: no i figured it's not the gym this time because you're in a suit

Dom: clever

Julia: how am i supposed to know

Dom: idk just guess

Julia: ok uh

Dom: when do people wear a suit

Julia: for parties?

Julia: weddings?

Julia: funerals?

Julia: for a funeral you sure do look happy

Dom: ahhahaa no i didn't go to a funeral

Dom: i also didn't go to a party or wedding

Julia: idk anymore

Dom: where do people go for work

Julia: depends on their job?

Dom: touche

Dom: ok but sometimes people come together to discuss things

Dom: what is that called

Julia: a meeting?

Dom: correct!!!

Julia: so you went to a meeting?

Dom: correct!

Julia: cool

Dom: but not just a meeting

Julia: ?

Dom: i went to THE meeting i was supposed to have on saturday the 14th :)

Julia: waittttt

Julia: so you're telling me you're free that day now???

Dom: yESS

Julia: OMG

Julia: brooo dom that's great

Julia: omg

Julia: guess i gotta rehearse even more now

Dom: hahahaha noo

Dom: but YES i'll be there

Julia: that's fucking great i'm so happy omg

Dom: me too

Julia: was the meeting shifted randomly?

Dom: no i shifted it

Dom: because i really wanted to be there

Julia: dom 🥺🥺

Dom: :)

Julia: that's so cute aw

Dom: yeah idk it felt like an honor that you asked me so i couldn't just not show up

Dom: shit

Julia: what?

Dom: i should've kept it a surprise

Dom: that would've been so much more fun

Dom: fuck that's dumb that would've been cool

Julia: hahahaha

Julia: yes it would've been cool but i'd probably be so shocked i'd just stop singing

Dom: lies ma'am

Dom: also is miss johnson gonna be there?

Julia: i think so? why

Dom: she hates me hahahaha

Julia: oh god

Julia: what did you do to her

Julia: she's lowkey really cute and caring

Dom: she didn't like me because i've got adhd and couldn't shut the fuck up

Dom: and it stressed her out hahaha

Julia: poor miss johnson 🥺

Dom: she's probably gonna have a heartattack if she sees me

Julia: ahhahahaa

Julia: you should surprise her since you wanted to surprise someone so bad

Dom: omg.... imagine

Julia: i think she'd genuinely have a heartattack if you'd just jump in front of her

Dom: i'm positive

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