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Julia: i got a 44 for that one test we studied for at your house 😳

Dom: like the one we only spent 50 minutes on?

Julia: yeah

Dom: i mean a 44 isn't bad for 50 minutes of studying

Julia: i could've had a 60 i think but right before the test i had that fight with brendon and i just couldn't really function

Julia: like 44 is pretty high for the state i was in

Julia: i made the test and went straight back home

Dom: oh shit :(( i forgot it was on that day

Dom: i'm sorry jules

Julia: i told the teacher i was sick that day tho and she said she's gonna see if i can do a resit or not

Dom: oh rlly?? that's so nice aw

Dom: i hope you can

Julia: yeah

Julia: not that i'm gonna pass this year in the first place but the idea is cool

Dom: don't be like that!!!

Dom: it's only november i mean you can still do so much to pass the year

Julia: have you seen my grades

Dom: no but i did hear a few and i know they're not the best but it's still possible

Julia: yeah maybe

Julia: we'll see

Julia: thanks for having faith in me <33

Dom: of course xx

Julia: also i love the name faith i rlly wanna call my daughter like that

Dom: it's a nice name

Julia: i'm glad we agree :))

Dom: hahahaha

Dom: and i wanna call my son rex

Julia: are you literally fucking kidding me

Julia: rex????

Dom: oh so we don't agree on that

Julia: hell no

Dom: :( okay miss i'll think about it again

Julia: i hope you do

Julia: poor little boy

Dom: 💀💀

Julia: also i didn't tell you but brendon hasn't stopped texting and calling me

Dom: oh wtf for real

Dom: what does he say

Julia: things like "we have to meet up soon i wanna talk" and "i can't believe you just left me like this how could you do that" stuff like that

Dom: jesus fuck

Dom: the way i wanna punch him again

Julia: please don't

Dom: dw i learned from it

Julia: but ok of course i didn't pick up the phone and i just ignored the messages and i blocked him like two hours ago

Julia: but school was just over and i walked out of class and he was there

Dom: oh my god no

Dom: did he do something to you???

Julia: well i was walking with max, one of my friends, and i told him everything because my phone kept buzzing and of course max was pretty confused

Julia: so when we saw brendon he got all protective and of course brendon saw us too but max and brendon got into a fight

Julia: brendon didn't hit max tho luckily

Dom: oh good

Julia: yeah

Julia: but he kept begging me to forgive him and stuff

Julia: and i said i gave him many chances and that it was over now and he ruined it

Julia: and first he tried to argue but max kept screaming at him and suddenly he walked away

Dom: i'm sorry that happened tho

Julia: i'm still shaking a little but i'm ok now

Julia: i'm at max's house

Dom: oh good i hope you two can just relax a little so you'll feel better soon

Julia: :( yeah

Julia: i hope i never run into brendon again but i know him for pretty long now and i'm pretty sure he's gonna try to talk to me for the upcoming weeks

Dom: so fucking annoying

Dom: imagine if i would still be in art school...

Julia: you two would fight every day

Dom: probably

Dom: maybe ask the principal if they can give brendon a prohibition at art school

Julia: oh i can try that if he comes back another time

Dom: yeah just try

Dom: but he better doesn't come back again

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