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Julia stroke Dom's cheek and brushed a few strands of hair out of his face so she could see his eyes. They were still closed, as she had expected, and she stared at them for a little more and automatically smiled.

"You're so pretty."

He still didn't respond to her which wasn't weird considering it was only eight in the morning and he was probably still fast asleep. They had fallen asleep at around two in the morning but Julia didn't want to sleep longer because this was her last day with Dom and she wanted it to be as long as possible.

Dom was laying on his stomach, his mouth parted a little and the blankets only covering his body half. Julia slowly moved her hand toward his bare back and made soft circles on it with her finger.

"I wish I could move to America with you baby," she said quietly, smiling again even though a wave of sadness hit her as soon as she said that. "I don't even want to think about not being able to hug and kiss you for months."

She sighed and listened to his calm breathing for a moment. He looked so relaxed and even though she wanted to spend as much time as possible with him today, she didn't want to wake him up yet because she knew he would be stressed about the fact that he was actually leaving. She just wanted him to be relaxed for a little longer.

"I'm gonna come and visit you every three months, yeah? No, actually that's impossible," Julia mumbled in herself, continuing to stroke her fingers over his back. She was silent for a little as she felt tears welling up in her eyes.

"It's gonna be so fucking hard to be far away from you but I just know it's all going to be fucking worth it. You're gonna be a fucking star. My boyfriend is going to be famous."

She smiled and quickly wiped away a tear that was about to roll over her face. The last thing she wanted was Dom to open his eyes and see her crying. She didn't want him to worry about her all day, and she knew he would if he saw this.

After wiping away her tear, Julia laid her hand on his face instead of his back, stroking away the hair again that had fallen back over his face.

"Dom," she whispered, "I'm so fucking in love with you."

She stared at his face for a moment, secretly hoping he would've heard her when she said it. But Dom was still not moving a muscle and his breathing was as steady as before.

"I'm so in love with you my stomach hurts all the time when you're here and I know it's just the butterflies but they should calm the fuck down."

She giggled at her own words and closed her eyes, just letting her hand rest on his cheek. Right when she opened her mouth to say something else even though she was just literally talking in herself, Dom moved and pulled her on top of his chest. Julia squealed shortly at his sudden movement.

"You're the cutest person to exist," Dom said as he wrapped his arms around her tightly and kissed her softly everywhere.

"Were you awake the entire time?" Julia asked him a little in shock, crawling as close to his body as she possibly could.

"Your hands are so cold baby it's hard not to wake up because of it."

Julia giggled and buried her face in the crook of his neck as Dom continued giving her kisses and made sure her body stayed on his chest.

"Why didn't you even move?" she asked him amusedly.

"Because," Dom started, brushing her hair backwards slowly so he could kiss her ear, giving Julia goosebumps.

"I didn't want you to stop talking to me like that," he whispered in her ear.

It was kind of sad how they both knew Julia would have never said those things to Dom if she knew he was awake, even though he had been her boyfriend for a while now and they both showed they really were in love with each other.

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