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Julia: damn i can't stop thinking about how guilty i feel for puking all over your bed this morning

Julia: maybe we should have stayed at benjamin's house all night because he deserved to have puke all over his bed

Dom: babe i told you it's fine

Dom: i washed the sheets it's okay

Dom: and also we couldn't have stayed in that room forever, if we wouldn't have left before the party was over we would've never gotten out of that house without trouble

Julia: how the hell did you even carry me all the way downstairs to the taxi without waking me up

Dom: um ask yourself because i also thought you would wake up but you didn't

Dom: i even checked your heartbeat about three times because you were laying so still i thought you were dead

Julia: oh my god

Dom: are you feeling better though than this morning? 🥺

Julia: well right after you drove away from my house i puked again

Julia: and then i ate lunch with my mum and i puked again

Julia: she's pretty mad

Dom: oh god

Dom: next time we go to a party you really should drink a little less

Julia: yeah maybe

Julia: i always get overly excited and i just like the feeling of drinking

Julia: and normally the best and funniest things happen when i'm drunk

Dom: normally :(

Julia: yeah benjamin ruined it

Julia: the shittiest thing is that i don't remember much from the night apart from benjamin and laying with you in the bed but that's it

Julia: like i genuinely don't even know if the rest was fun

Dom: what do you remember from laying in bed?

Julia: not much

Julia: like i can still remember how we were laying there but i have no idea what you said to me or what i said to you

Julia: fuck now i think about it, i hope i didn't say stupid stuff

Dom: no you didn't

Julia: oh good

Dom: so you don't remember anything of what you said to me? like also not before you went to sleep for example

Julia: ehm

Julia: no

Dom: oh

Julia: why?? did i say something stupid?

Dom: nooo it's fine

Dom: just wondering

Julia: no but for real dom did i say something

Julia: what did i say??

Dom: nothing special

Dom: you said you were scared i was going to hit you

Julia: oh

Julia: because of brendon

Dom: yeah

Julia: i didn't mean to compare you to him or anything

Julia: like i know you would never do that

Dom: it's okay i know you know

Julia: but what else did i say? what did i say to you before i went to sleep?

Dom: nothing

Dom: it was just an example to test you

Dom: you really didn't say much

Julia: oh okay

Dom: goddamnit jules next time please don't drink so much okay

Julia: i promise

Dom: good

Julia: OH in my defense i remember how you called me beautiful 🥺🥺

Julia: because that made my heart go 🦋

Dom: :)))

Dom: it was because YOU called ME beautiful which made me go 🦋🦋🦋

Julia: i remember that :)

Dom: that's good

Julia: you're the cutest i miss you already sir

Dom: i mis YOU :((

Julia: senna misses you too by the way

Dom: aw really

Julia: yeah she asked me when you're coming over again so we can go to the skate park together

Dom: she's literally so fucking cute what the hell

Julia: it's impressive how quick you made her like you

Dom: well i figured that if i would be coming over a lot in the future your family had to like me

Dom: fuck, i wanted you to like my friends as well so we could hang out more often but benjamin really had to fucking ruin it

Julia: it's okay

Julia: i haven't met your other friends yet so i'm sure they ARE nice

Dom: uhm actually you did meet my friends yesterday night..

Julia: oh shit i did?

Dom: yeah

Julia: oh god next time i'm gonna drink less okay

Dom: i sure hope you will


Personally I didn't really like this chapter but the next one is gonna be better so that's why this is a double update :)

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