
2K 64 11


Julia: WITH A 57


Dom: aaahh no problem!!!

Julia: wish i could hug you right now

Dom: 🥺🥺

Dom: it's all right i'm so glad i could help

Julia: bro i told my mum about my grade and she was so proud of me :)

Julia: because i kept failing this class

Julia: and i told you it's because of you!!

Julia: i showed a picture of you and i had to tell you she likes your socks

Dom: hahahahaha

Dom: aw that's so fucking cute

Dom: tell your mum i said thank you

Julia: i will

Dom: what picture did you show her though...

Dom: wanna make a good first impression

Julia: that last one you sent me

Julia: when we talked about our matching socks

Dom: ah yeah!!

Dom: ok that's ok

Julia: yeah is that one appropriate?

Dom: sure

Julia: ok good

Julia: are you doing anything interesting today?

Julia: did you go to the gym?


Julia: is that a bed

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Julia: is that a bed

Dom: good guess :)

Julia: so no plans for today?

Dom: nope

Dom: i'm feeling a bit shit at the moment so i decided to stay home all day

Dom: no gym no work

Julia: :( i'm sorry to hear that

Julia: i hope the bed is warm at least

Dom: it is kinda

Dom: i feel stupid for not going to the gym

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