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Julia: OMG

Julia: omg

Julia: dom

Julia: dom

Julia: dom

Julia: wake the fuck up

Julia: hello

Dom: aw a warm welcome

Dom: what's up

Julia: hi

Dom: that's all?

Julia: yes i just wanted to say hi

Dom: i can't stand you

Julia: no actually i have a question

Dom: shoot

Julia: are you free saturday the 14th?

Julia: in two weeks?

Dom: ehhh

Dom: why?

Julia: wellll yesterday you told me you wanna hear me sing

Dom: yes

Julia: and literally this morning my teacher told us we have a performance on saturday 14th

Julia: and i have to sing a solo

Dom: for real????

Dom: that's great jula

Julia: i knowww

Julia: so i thoughttt maybe you wanted to come and watch?

Julia: it's so weird because we've never seen each other irl but i thought it'd be ok because it's also your old school so it's not weird for you to be there

Dom: i would love to

Julia: really???

Dom: but i just remembered i'm not free that day :((

Julia: oh shit you aren't?

Dom: no :(

Julia: shit

Dom: yeah fuck

Dom: i've got a meeting that day with someone and i don't think i can postpone it

Julia: it's ok

Julia: dw i'm pretty sure i've got a performance at the end of the school year as well so you can go to that one!!

Dom: yesss that'd be great

Julia: great :)

Dom: what are you gonna sing?

Julia: don't laugh at me

Dom: why would i-

Dom: except for when you're gonna sing the alphabet or something then maybe i'll laugh

Julia: no but like

Dom: tell me

Julia: lights up

Dom: the harry styles song???

Julia: yes???

Dom: that's so cool!!!

Dom: why the hell would i laugh

Julia: idk because my email is juliastyles and stuff so....

Dom: hahahaha idc he has good music and lights up is a great song

Dom: i'm curious what it's gonna sound like

Julia: maybe if you could be there...

Dom: don't make me feel guilty

Julia: jk it's ok

Julia: i get it you have a busy life

Dom: not really i'm literally always free

Dom: but god said fuck dom rights

Julia: hahahaha

Julia: i'll ask my mum to record it

Julia: so i can send it to you

Dom: yes!!

Dom: and by then i promise i've finished polygraph eyes so i can send that to you

Julia: forreal???

Julia: don't rush for me though

Dom: no it's actually nearly finished i only need to sing the bridge

Julia: that's great :)

Dom: yeah babyyyy

Julia: do songs always take that long?

Julia: i don't mean that shady or whatever but i'm just interested because i'm not a songwriter

Dom: nooo but i'm writing several songs at the same time

Dom: which is probably a weird method but i've got adhd so that's the way i work hahaha i get bored with one song easily

Julia: ooohh yeah

Julia: cool so you've got an album already

Dom: looking at the amount of songs i've written yes i've got like three albums already hahaha

Dom: but looking at the quality and the way they fit next to each other i've got an EP now

Julia: cooool

Dom: yeahh

Julia: can i get vip once you go on tour with harry styles



Julia: is that a no :(

Dom: ofcourse you get vip once i go on tour with harry styles but that'd never happen love i'm sorry

Julia: just wait 😌

Dom: you haven't heard my songs yet

Dom: maybe you think they're fucking bad

Julia: that's true who knows

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