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Julia: can we talk

Dom: i thought you blocked me

Julia: i never did

Dom: oh

Julia: can we please talk

Dom: if you're gonna yell at me again for beating your boyfriend up then we can't

Julia: no i really wanna talk to you about everything

Dom: go ahead i guess

Julia: could i come over?

Dom: it's 9pm

Julia: yeah but the metros go all night so idc

Dom: you know that's fucking dangerous

Julia: i don't rlly care

Julia: i really wanna talk to you dom

Dom: okay

Dom: but i don't want you to travel in the evening

Julia: it's alright

Dom: no there are so many creeps

Julia: but i don't wanna talk over text

Dom: then i'll come to your house

Julia: no

Dom: why not

Julia: because i don't want you to travel all the way here for me

Dom: ffs julia we're not getting anywhere like this

Julia: i know just let me travel

Dom: no it's only a half an hour drive for me so i can come

Julia: i don't wanna bother you

Dom: it's fine i'll drive to yours

Julia: i'm actually not home

Dom: oh

Dom: where are you?

Julia: the beach

Dom: what the fuck are you doing there

Julia: i was feeling like shit

Dom: i'm coming to the beach right now ok

Julia: okay

Dom: just stay were you are and text me if something is wrong

Julia: okay



As a reaction to the sudden voice breaking the absolute silence, Julia threw the small stone she had in her hands in the direction of where the voice was coming from, turning around only to see it was Dom. Obviously.

"Oh fuck I'm sorry," she said as she quickly picked up the stone again and threw it towards the sea, making it bounce on the water twice.

Dom chuckled.


He sat down next to her in the sand, pulling his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around his legs.

"Not really," Julia answered, picking up another stone and throwing it again.

"Isn't the water freezing fucking cold?"

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