Chapter 1: Uncertain

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No P.O.V
Adora stands outside of her room on the balcony. She glances over the land surrounding bright moon and the castle that she has made her home for the last day. In the distance she can see the Fright Zone. Not even close to what the whole Fright Zone was made up of but, just enough to remind her of her old home. What she had left behind. And who.

What am I doing? she thought to herself. I'm not even sure if I can trust everyone here. They only trust me because of She-ra. At least at the Fright Zone I didn't have to be someone else. Adoras thoughts wonder to when she had been at the Fright Zone. Only a day ago she hated princesses and now she was resided in ones castle. What the hell am I doing? Only a few hours ago she had seen the soldiers that used to be her friends. She knew all of the well. The reason she was a weapon with Bright Moon was the fact that she knew Hordak and his thinking like the back of her hand.

I shouldn't even be here. These people sure don't want a Horde soldier sleeping in their beds at night.  Adora sighed and looked harder at the Fright Zone. She thought back to when she had almost convinced the Horde what they were doing wrong. How she almost convinced them to join her when she told them how the town they were attacking was an innocent one. With civilians that had been having a party and not causing any destruction. Well by them it was, Catra.

~A few hours ago~

"Stop!" Adora yelled holding her hand in front of the tank that was driving straight towards her. Conveniently it did stop. The door to get into the tank opened and a figure popped out and moved so quickly Adora couldn't even see what it was before it was on top of her. "They let me drive a tank. Can you believe it!?" Catra.

"Catra, I don't understand what are you doing here?"

"Uh duh we came to find you. 'Cover for me, Catra. No one will even know I'm gone.' Seriously did you just immediately get captured right after you snuck out or- -? What are you wearing?" "Uh- -" Adora took the flower that had been in her hair out of it. "Nothing. Catra we need to get out of here." Catra laughed. "Um thats kind of why we're all here." Adora shook her head and "No i mean us. We need to go. Get away from the Horde." Catra tilted her head with a confused look on her face.

"Look, there's no time. We have to put a stop to this." "What? Why?" "Because this is a civilian town. Look around! These aren't insurgents, they're innocent people!" "Yeah sure innocent people who kidnapped a Horde officer." Catra said turning away. "Now come on let's get you back to the Fright Zone. Shadow Weaver is freaking out." Catra laughed and then turned a little bit and said, "it'd be funny if she wasn't such a terrible person." Adora let go of her hand saying "Catra, no. I cant go back. And you shouldn't either. Don't you see what's going on?"

Catra looked around and had an unsure look on her face. "Adora I-" Catra was cut off by a buzzing and she fell limp to the ground. "Am I going to have to do that to you too soldier?" Said another force captain that had tased Catra. Adoras mouth fell open and she turned and ran away. As she ran she saw Gimmer and went to her. Glimmer have Adora the sword and said that she wasn't sure but she trusted Adora and they needed She-ra. Adora took the sword and said, "For the Honor of Grayskull!" as she turned into She-ra. And with one swoop of the sword, she had knocked down all the soldiers in the area.

Adora walked throughout the town in search of Catra but she was nowhere. Adora walked the path that she had ran down and found the tank that Catra had climbed out of. "Where's Adora!? What did you do with her!? Is she okay!?" "Soldier if you don't shut up you're going to get another shock." Catra went to open her mouth once again but she saw She-ra right in front of her. She-ra took control and swatted the Force Captain out of the way. Catra looked up at the eight foot woman in front of her petrified.

She-ra looked down at her and then kneeled down with a crash as smoke filled the air. "Adora is that you?" Adora barely could get up as Catra stood over her. Bow ran towards the two and grabbed Adora yelling now as Glimmer teleported them away. "No!" Adora screamed. But it was too late. Catra was gone. Going back to the Fright Zone to deal with Shadow Weaver. But this time she was alone.

A.N. Hi guys I hope you liked this chapter. I'm going to try and get into an everyday update chapter rotation but if no one likes this then I'll archive it or I will slowly update. But I really hope you do enjoy!!!

I miss you~catradoraWhere stories live. Discover now